Household Income Information
We determine financial circumstances based on the USDA’s definition of household income. A household is a group of related or unrelated individuals who share housing, income, and expenses.
Include all the following info for ALL household members together below, including children, students away at college, and individuals without income. Processing delays can occur for applications containing incomplete Financial Info Forms.
Annual Total Gross Income: Total of all household members’ income received. Total gross income should equal all of the items listed below.
Earnings from work: List gross income from work (wages, salaries, tips, commissions). This is not the same as take-home pay. It is the amount earned before taxes and deductions. It should be listed on your pay stub. If self-employed, you may report income after expenses (your own business, freelance work, farm, or rental property).
Welfare, Child Support, Spousal Maintenance: Include TNAF, General Assistance, General Relief, etc. NOTE: Food stamps and FDPIR benefits are not included as income.
Pensions, Retirement, Social Security: Include Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Veteran’s (VA) benefits, and disability benefits.
All Other Income: Include Worker’s Compensation, unemployment, strike benefits, net rental income, annuities, net royalties, interest, dividend income, cash withdrawn from savings, income from estates, trust and/or investments, regular contributions from people who do not live in your household, and any other income. You do not have to include military or combat pay/allowances as income.