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While our weekly worship services play a vital role in our discipleship process at Coram Deo Church, they do not play an exclusive role. In addition to Sunday, a more formal expression of discipleship, we are also committed to growing in community together in less formal environments.
Growth, or maturity, as a disciple is a community project. The New Testament speaks of the church as a united body that is made up of many diverse parts. (Romans 12:4-6) Just as our bodies are both one and many, so the church, the body of Christ, is both one and many. It is one united church, made up of many unique individual parts. Just as each part of our physical bodies has a unique and vital role to play which benefits not just itself but the entire body, so each member of a local church has a unique and vital role to play within the larger life of the church. This reality assumes an intentional connection. Once a body part is separated, death begins to creep in. If a body part is connected, then both that part and the body can grow. Likewise, each person in the church is both needed and needy. Each person has a gift to give, and each person also needs to receive the gifts that the other members have to contribute. The Apostle John reminds us that when we gather together to grow, to love, and to serve one another, the invisible God becomes visible in our midst through our love for one another (1 John 4:11-12)
In order to help encourage and support ongoing discipleship growth and maturity at Coram Deo Church, we encourage people to get connected with a group of people who can encourage one another in discipleship. Some of these groups are more formal while others are less. Some meet in homes, some in coffee shops, some in garages, and some meet in classes at the church. The point is to Grow In Community together.