Monthly Benefit Estimator
NOTE: There are many variables not accounted for with this tool. Either party may have rights to benefits not covered. This is only a rough tool to help do the math of allocating an EQUAL DIVISION (50/50) of monthly pension benefits and assumes you have all the right info and input it correctly. Also, while the same type of math applies, this estimator is not designed to address other benefits such as termination refunds, contribution refunds or death benefits.
Total Months of creditble service during the marriage
Total months earned by employee during the marriage
Total months of credible service
Total months earned during employment
Total gross monthly pension benefit
marital percentage
marital portion of monthly benefit
I understand these tools are VERY limited and that I should contact an attorney directly before relying on any information on this website or any of its tools
Yes, I understand and agree
Monthly Benefits Estimation
Total monthly benefit kept by PARTICIPANT (retired employee)
Total monthly benefit assigned to ALTERNATE PAYEE (former spouse of retired employee)
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