Applicants should provide a description of the project they intend to undertake, indicating its expected achievements and showing, in particular, what the applicant, the home institute (if applicable) and the host institution are expected to gain from the realisation of the work. The proposal must include the following headers and must answer the questions posed within each header. (The word count for the proposal does not include any references cited or any extra illustrative material – e.g. tables and/or figures).
Project Title: [Enter the title of the proposed project ensuring that it meets the specified criteria.]
Objectives: [What are you going to do?]
Methodology: [How are you going to do it?]
Deliverables: [What do you expect to achieve?]
Success Factors: [What will you expect to be the result when the project has been completed?]
Why is this particular project important to you? [Your background/interests in regards to this project]
- How much money is required/are you requesting, and how will the money be spent? Please outline a budget indicating approximate expenditures on travel, accommodation, subsistence, materials, and other anticipated costs.
- Are you able to obtain additional financial support? If so, how much and from where?
References cited (if any, maximum 1 page)
Illustrative material - tables and figures (if any, maximum 1 page)