To apply as a candidate for a vacant seat, please complete all questions. The board will consider the appointment of a candidate for each of the vacant at-large board seats at the next Regular Meeting. This application must be submitted by 7 days prior to the next scheduled Regular Board and Stakeholder Meeting to be placed on the agenda. Applicants must be prepared to attend the meeting to introduce themselves and possibly answer questions from the board.
Please visit the website for the meeting information and agenda (which will be posted 72 hours prior to the meeting). The meeting is called to order at 6:00pm. All candidates must attend the meeting in order to be considered for appointment.
Candidates must provide documentation and any other applicable identification to establish their stakeholder status. For more information regarding this form and acceptable forms of documentation, call 310-918-8650.
Please note that this is a volunteer position. It is an at-large board seat to complete the term ending 2027.