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From Colossians 1:14: Will God hold our sins against us after believing in Jesus?
Yes, because a Christians should not sin
Yes, because the wages of sin is death
No, because our sins has been forgiven since they were paid for by Jesus Christ
No, if we always ask for forgiveness
Romans 5:1 –11: If we say God loves us, how did He show this love?
By keeping us alive to see this day
By keeping us away from evil, saving us from our enemies and blessing us.
By sending Christ to die for us even when we were still sinners
What verse in Roman 5 gives us the assurance that if God could love us when we were in a very terrible state, he would definitely save us from the wrath to come now that we are already saved?
Romans 5v1
Romans 5v10
Romans 5v14
Romans 5v19
From Romans 5:1, what benefit does a man get from being justified by faith?
God’s love
God’s peace
Peace with God
No more fear of God’s wrath or judgment
a and c
c and d
There were some good people even in the old, some of them did not believe Jesus would come and pay for sins. Were such people sinners? [Romans 5:14]
Yes, because being descendants of Adam, they were born sinners
Yes, because they would have committed one small sin somewhere sometime.
No, because they were good people
No, because they did not sin
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