The National Association of the Deaf has developed a policy for all outside media teams (referred to ‘the media’ herein) that will be covering the biennial NAD Conference. Media access to the 54th Biennial NAD Conference 2018 is granted only to approved media teams. Media organizations seeking credentials to cover the NAD Conference must submit their agreement to this form by May 31, 2018.
Media teams are responsible for securing their own lodging during the NAD Conference. Once on-site, registered media may pick up registration materials and conference badges at Registration Desk. Media representatives are required to wear their identification badges at all times during the NAD Conference.
For more information and specific reporting guidelines, please contact
-- The media shall defer to and comply with all directives from the NAD Director of Communications Lizzie Sorkin.
-- The media is to show up at least 30 minutes before doors open for scheduled events to perform the following: coordinate logistics, determine the location of personnel and equipment, and other set-up plans. The NAD will provide the media with any updates with the amount of time for these functions prior to scheduled events.
-- Only Lizzie Sorkin (NAD Director of Communications), Angela Ellman (NAD Conference Planner), Howard Rosenblum (NAD CEO), and Conference A/V persons under contract with the NAD may determine where all media will be located during conference events.
-- The media shall not bring their own lights and shall not direct/request others to adjust NAD Conference lighting set-up under contract with the NAD.
-- The media shall not make any adjustments to the room’s set-up (e.g. moving tables/chairs).
-- The media may not obstruct or interfere with the view of the audience, A/V, interpreters or the NAD Media Team.
-- All of the media’s coverage is embargoed until 10 am the day after the event being recorded, except where expressly agreed to in writing by the NAD CEO.
-- Conference attendees have the right to not speak to the media.
-- The media shall not interfere with any NAD contracted vendor, i.e. Audio-Visual, CART, Interpreters, Decorator, etc. and their work for the NAD.
-- The media shall not videotape any workshops or commissions with presenters who have not signed 2018 NAD Conference Media waiver forms indicating their consent to having their workshops recorded.
-- The NAD reserves the right to eject any media members from the premises at any time.
-- The official NAD Conference photographer (to be identified at outset of conference) will have the right to override any other access in order to carry out assigned duties.