Johnston Community College
Student Government Association
Integrity Contract
As a member of the Student Government Association and official representative for the students of Johnston Community College, I promise to:
- Work to promote unity and efficiency among the SGA members.
- Value the opinions of others, even if they do not match my own.
- Refrain from any violation of the Student Code of Conduct.
- Put the student body’s needs above the needs or wants of any individual person or governing body.
- Within reason, attend all meetings, events, and see to all commitments in a timely manner.
- Speak, dress, and act in a professional manner at ALL times.
- Maintain good academic standing and a respectful relationship with all college employees.
- Participate in academic study hall based on the scale provided.
- Uphold the bylaws of the Student Government Association.
I pledge to uphold the principles outlined in this contract and acknowledge that failing to do so will lead to corrective actions taken against me, up to and including impeachment from the SGA.