Strategic Construction Solutions (SCS) Enel Green Energy (EGR) Rattlesnake Creek Wind Project
It is the joint responsibility of SCS and ALL contractors to insure all workers perform their work safely. All workers are required to complete this orientation prior to entering the worksite.
Today's Date:
Company You Work For
MT Waterworks
PW Tech
Bishop Construction
Ace Electric
Purcell Painting & Coatings
Dolphin Services
Strategic Construction Solutions
Your Name
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Your Email Address
A copy of this completed orientation will be deliver to your email address
Have you received Site Specific Safety Training?
In the safety video what type of injury did the husband suffer?
A foot injury
A broken back
An amputation
A fatal injury
Strategic Construction Solutions Declaration of commitment to Health and Safety.
SCS considers health, safety and psychophysical integrity of people its most valuable asset, one that must be protected at all times in life, whether at work or at home and during free time. Each of us is responsible for the health and safety of ourselves and of others with whom we interact and therefore commits to developing and promoting a strong safety culture wherever we are in the world. We are convinced that the success of our business and the value of our company are based on the essential combination of quality and safety. SCS's approach to improvement is founded on attention to responsible behaviors that form the basis of health and safety:
I know what I have to do
I think before I act
I protect my health
I don’t take anything for granted
I observe the rules
If I have any doubt I stop
We believe that the constant commitment from each of us, and the integration of safety in processes and training, the reporting and analysis of near misses, the rigorous selection and management of contractors, continuous quality controls, the sharing of experience throughout the Group and comparison with the top international players are the cornerstones of the culture of safety, which must start with us. We adopt these principles ourselves and disseminate them by setting an example at all times, at work and in our daily life
I understand the Declaration of Commitment to Health and Safety
I do not understand the Declaration of Commitment to Health and Safety
Initial your acceptance of the Enel (EGP) Declaration of commitment to Health and Safety
Enel Quality, Safety and Environment Policy.
Enel Green Power SpA develops, builds and manages power generation plants of energy from renewable sources around the world. Water, air, fire and geothermal heat are the natural elements through which it contributes to meeting the energy needs of everyday life, providing an important contribution to the improvement of people and environment quality of life. The action of Enel Green Power, in accordance with the principles and objectives of the Declaration of Commitment on Health and Safety of workers, Enel Group Environmental Policy, and Sustainability Plan, combines respect and attention for the external environment, protection to biodiversity with a commitment to building an internal environment centered on the person, with the objective of safeguarding and improving psycho-physical well-being. In agreement with the ethical codes of conduct that orient behavior towards the principles of social responsibility, all the people who work within the Group are concerned and involved for the purposes of compliance with legislatively defined levels of protection and improvement of performance. With the adoption of an Integrated Management System compliant with international standards ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and BS OHSAS 18001:2007, Enel Green Power proposes operating with a systemic view, having regard to its clients, stakeholders and those who work in its structures, responding with a sustainable and flexible approach to the internal and external context with a view to continuous improvement. Enel Green Power considers compliance with the standards and the laws in force, in each of the countries in which it operates, a prerequisite for successful implementation of the Integrated Management System. In view of the above principles, Enel Green Power is committed to conducting activities along the following lines:
Developing, through information, training and coaching activities, the capacity of staff in order to adopt safe behavior, improve awareness and sense of responsibility of their own role and their own potential, for the achievement of objectives, for the prevention of risks inherent to health and safety, and for the results of environmental performance
Implementing, managing and maintaining plants according to the best available practices and technologies available, in compliance with established times and costs, by integrating issues of health and safety at work and environmental protection within normal decision-making and management activities
Implementing all that is necessary for the elimination of risks to health and safety at work and to avoid or reduce environmental impacts, through continuous risk assessment, prevention of accidents and injuries, control of materials and waste products, and compliance with the established operating procedures
Selecting suppliers and contractors carefully, promoting their involvement in the objectives of quality, safety and environmental protection of the Group in a shared and synergistic manner
Increasing involvement and competence of its employees and promoting the ability of continuous improvement
Obtaining, through the Company goals achievement, the satisfaction of all stakeholders
Promoting and supporting an open and sustainable dialogue with citizens, institutions and communities on the effects of the Group’sactivities on the community and environmental sustainability, to encourage protection and enhancement interventions for the safeguardingand improvement of internal and external health and safety
Specific and measurable objectives are set annually and their actual achievement is checked through continuous monitoring of the results obtained, analysis of which forms the basis for the periodic management review. I consider it essential that all the staff at each levels of the organisational structure of the Group are aware of the commitments made, support the principles, help to achieve the established objectives, and contribute to maintaining a high level of information and motivation achieving successful business objectives and results of the health, safety and environmental protection programs. In this regard, I approve the policy described herein, ensuring the coherence for the objectives of the company and its periodical review to verify effectiveness and encourage continuous improvement~ Antonio Cammisecra, Rome, 4th September 2017 CEO of Enel Green Power Spa
I understand and accept the conditions noted above
I do not understand and wish to be provided further explanation
Initial your acceptance of the Enel Quality, Safety and Environment Policy
Enel Stop Work Policy
At Enel we are committed to promoting and strengthening a culture of health and safety for the benefit of everyone involved in our operations around the world, raising awareness of risks and promoting responsible behavior to ensure the performance of high-quality work without accidents~ Francesco Starace, Chief Executive Officer and General Manager
Every person who works for us represents our most valuable asset and one that must be protected. Therefore, we ask all of you to intervene and stop any activity that may endanger the health and safety of yourselves or of others with whom you interact.
We also ask you to report promptly to your immediate supervisor or to the most senior on-site Enel representative, any unsafe behavior or any act, omission or situation that could potentially lead to an injury.
The Stop Work order must be applied in good faith. No blame or responsibility can be attributed to any employee or contractor who reports a risk situation or stops an activity, even if such action subsequently turns out to be unnecessary, because health and safety come first.
I agree to support and participate in the above stop work obligation
Initial your acceptance of the Enel Stop Work Policy
SCS Safety Commitment
The Safety Policy of Strategic Construction Solutions, an Atwell, LLC. (the company) is designed to comply with the Standards of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and to ensure and maintain a safe and injury/ illness free workplace. A copy of the Strategic Construction Solutions Health and Safety Policy is available for all employees use and reference. These policies are available at and at the corporate office at all times. In addition they have been uploaded into ISNetworld for Enel Green Power review.
I do not understand and wish to be provided further explanation
Safety is not a personal value to me
I understand and accept the conditions noted above
Individual Commitment to Safe Work
You are here to provide a service to SCS. You were chosen to provide this service because we feel confident you can do so in a safe manner. Safety is the most important consideration in selecting your company for this project, and your safety and quality performance was the most critical factor in determining whether you perform future work for SCS. Please accept this statement as an official notice that SCS considers safety to be a tangible product- and poor safety performance is considered a poor quality product. Please pay extra close attention to the commitments you make within this safety orientation- as the SCS management team will observe your safety performance during all aspects of this project. You will be rewarded for good safety performance, and poor safety performance is not tolerated.
I do not understand and wish to be provided further explanation
Safety is not a personal value to me
I understand and accept the conditions noted above
Strategic Construction Solutions is committed to meeting the highest standards of safe work. It is expected that all employees carry out their work in a safety conscious manner to protect the well-being of all persons on the work site, including members of the public. Management strives to achieve superior Health & Safety performance while providing an enabling environment and instilling a culture that allows all employees to participate and work collaboratively to develop, promote and improve Health & Safety values at work.
I do not care
I understand and accept the conditions noted above
I do not understand and wish to be provided further explanation
I will champion safety as a value. An Incident free operation can only be attained if safety is reflected in every behavior- personnel safety, contractor safety, and public safety.
Accidents can't be prevented
One little accident is OK as long as nobody gets hurt
I will do everything possible to support a safe working environment
Safety is a waste of time and money
I will Foster a safety culture in which everyone believes and demonstrates that accidents, injuries and illnesses are preventable and everyone understands their responsibility for maintaining such a workplace.
I just want a job where safety is not a value
I have been hurt many times at work but I never report injuries
I know accidents are preventable and I promise to work safe
I will accept personal accountability in ensuring the safety of myself, the safety of those working around me, and the safety of the public. I will also strive to continuously improve my personal safety contributions to the team.
Why should I be responsible for others safety
I do not understand and wish to be provided further explanation
Safety is a waste of time
I agree to the above terms
I understand that the work is never so urgent, nor our schedule so important, that work cannot be performed safely
Safety is the responsibility of the safety manager not the workers
Project deadlines are more important then safety
I promise to put safety ahead of schedule
I understand that our goal is zero incidents and zero harm to people, the environment, property, or the reputation of the company or our customer
I do not understand and wish to be provided further explanation
I do not care
I understand and accept the conditions noted above
Initial your acceptance of the obligations within this section
SCS ZERO Tolerance Culture
I understand that it is my obligation to correct and coach those who I observe committing unsafe behaviors. If I see it, I own it and I will be held responsible for not stopping unsafe behaviors.
I understand
I do not understand
I understand that I am responsible to report unsafe conditions and will take the lead to fix, or support any corrective measure as soon as possible.
I understand
I do not understand
I understand that working in any unsafe manner is not acceptable and may be cause for my removal from the project.
I understand
I do not understand
Initial your acceptance of the obligations within this section
Safe Fundamentals
In order to reach 90% of our goal of zero incidents it is understood that we must do three tasks really, really well, of which will consume less than 10% of our time. Check each item to acknowledge your understanding (please select each item to acknowledge acceptance):
1. Have a good plan accompanied by a sincere JHA discussion with all involved workers, utilizing the JHA form located in the 'Forms' section at on your smart phone, tablet or computer (this web address is noted on your orientation sticker)
2. Conduct a thorough hazard assessment of the work area before initiating work, and resolve any identified hazards
3. Stop any observed unsafe behaviors or conditions
All personnel are responsible for continually assessing their safe work practices
I understand
I do not understand
Before workers begin working in new or unfamiliar surroundings, they must first conduct a hazard recognition review of the work area, and then eliminate or control the hazards
I understand
I do not understand
It is required that all work-related injuries, illnesses, unsafe conditions or practices and near misses are reported to supervision and site management
I understand
I do not understand
Be responsible for your own safety and don’t put yourself in potentially dangerous situations
I agree
I do not understand
It is required that workers (please select each item to acknowledge acceptance):
1. Have a documented work plan utilizing the JHA/ JSA process
2. Conduct a visual inspection of the work area to identify hazards- and mitigate identified hazards
3. Ensure a clean and uncluttered work space utilizing good housekeeping practices
4. Identify the potential for slips, trips, falls, struck or struck by (falling objects, sharp objects, etc.), over exertion (lifting, pushing, pulling, reaching, twisting, climbing), Corporal tunnel/repetitive motion, and other unsafe conditions or behaviors.
5. Stop any observed unsafe acts, behaviors or conditions
Once a hazard is identified it must be eliminated or controlled.
I understand
I do not understand
I am expected to consider and use the appropriate equipment and personal protection for work.
I understand
I do not understand
All incidents shall be thoroughly investigated.
I understand
I do not understand
It is expected that employees and contractors take a personal interest in the safety of anyone working within this project.
I understand
I do not understand
It is expected that you actively provide feedback to anyone when unsafe behaviors and unsafe acts are observed. The following techniques are effective in gaining trust with co-workers (please select each item to acknowledge acceptance):
1. Leverage humor to help coach any unsafe behaviors
2. Show you care about your colleagues’ safety
3. Assume they don’t realize what is unsafe about their behavior
4. Ask permission to provide some feedback on the situation or behavior
5. Positively reinforce those behaviors that are good;
6. Lead by example.
I shall perform a documented JHA pre-job meeting prior to initiating work.
I agree
I do not understand what a JHA is
During the JHA pre-job meeting I will ensure all affected personnel understand the scope and expectations of a given work activity and I will create an environment of open, candid communication where the work can be discussed and evaluated for all to understand.
I understand
I do not understand
I agree to conduct a JHA pre-job meeting before the start of each job, and involve all workers that will participate on that particular job.
I agree
I do not agree
I agree that if the conditions of the job or the scope of work changes I will stop work and update the JHA, hazards and controls to match the proposed work scope.
I agree
I don't agree
This is just a waste of time
During the JHA I agree to cover at a minimum: The tasks associated with the job; the hazards associated with each task; how the team will control the hazards associated with the tasks and the PPE requirements of the job.
I agree
I do not agree
Workers working alone must also complete a JHA pre-job meeting using the same evaluation criteria and elements.
I agree
I do not agree
Initial your acceptance of the obligations within this section
Laurel Montana WWTP Dewatering Project Safety
Strategic Construction Solutions and its subcontractors will perform this project with qualified personnel. Compliance with all applicable federal, state,and county safe work standards will be followed per contract documents.
I agree
I do not agree
Daily start of shift safety message and plan of the day meeting including a stretch program will occur at the office compound prior to dispatching to site work locations.
I understand
I do not agree
Meeting Agenda will consist of a minimum of 5-10 minute safety message and at least a 5 minute stretch and flex.
I understand
I do not agree
Strategic Construction Solutions will remain out of unauthorized or areas marked DO NOT ENTER unless permitted to enter and has all applicable training.
I understand
I do not agree
Each day of construction will begin with (please select each item to acknowledge acceptance):
1. A Job Hazard Analysis (JHA)
2. All permits are properly filled out and signed by project manager
3. All personnel on-site must discuss areas of construction activities and associated tasks
4. Safety hazards will be identified
5. Appropriate steps to eliminate or reduce risks or hazards must be discussed and implemented
During the JHA pre-job meeting, Strategic Construction Solutions on-site management will (please select each item to acknowledge acceptance):
1. review appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) required for the days tasks
2. Ensure that adequate PPE is available and utilized properly
3. Conduct a weekly all hands site safety meeting that includes all employees of each contractor for the entire site
4. Conduct daily documented site HSE inspections
5. Maintain a proactive audit program supplemented with monthly documented safety audits that includes a review of the JHA process.
Initial your acceptance of the obligations within this section
Basic Safety Rules
Compliance with applicable federal, state, county, city, client, and company safety rules and regulations is a condition of employment.
I agree to follow this rule
I do not agree to follow this rule
All injuries, regardless of how minor, must be reported to your supervisor and the Safety Department immediately.
I agree to follow this rule
I do not agree to follow this rule
In the event of an accident involving personal injury or damage to property, all persons involved in any way will be required to submit to drug testing. Do not attempt to perform medical assistance to injured personnel unless you are trained and qualified to do so.
I agree
I do not agree to follow this rule
Firearms, ammunition, alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs are not allowed on company property or in company vehicles at any time. When drugs are prescribed by a physician, the onsite supervisor and or safety personnel must be informed. The use or possession of illegal drugs or alcoholic beverages on the job site will result in immediate termination.
I understand and approve of this requirement
I do not agree or approve of this requirement
Hardhats will be worn by all employees on the project site at all times. It is required that the hardhat be worn as recommended by the manufacturer. Alterations or modifications of the hat or liner are prohibited. Equipment operators in a rollover protection system (ROPS) cab have the option of not wearing a hard hat due to the possible obstruction of view.
I agree
I do not agree
Clothing must provide adequate protection to the body. Shirts must have at least a tee/cap sleeve. Shirts with sleeves and long pants will be worn at all times. No shorts are to be worn on projects. Special clothing may be required when working in very hot, very cold or wet areas.
I agree
I do not agree
Hearing protection will be provided when sound levels exceed 85 dBA in a given area.
I agree
I do not agree
Sturdy safety toed work boots with rigid, slip resistant soles are required. No clogs, tennis shoes or loafers are permitted.
I agree
I do not agree
All personnel will be required to attend safety meetings as stipulated by project requirements in order to comply with OSHA Safety Standards.
I agree
I do not agree
Employees will be required to complete a Job Hazard Analysis JHA for each shift worked, and for that days jobs. The JHA will be turned in to supervisors at the end of the shift or uploaded to
I agree
I do not agree
Housekeeping shall be an integral part of every job. Supervisors/ foremen/ lead men and employees are responsible for keeping their work areas clean and hazard-free. Clean up is required when a job is finished at the end of the day.
I agree
I do not agree
Potable drinking water containers are to be used for drinking water and ice only. Tampering with or placing items such as soda cans and/or bottles in the water cooler will result in immediate termination. The common drinking cup is not allowed. Only disposable cups will be used.
I agree
I do not agree
All tools whether company or personal, must be in good working condition and inspected before use. All tools shall be used only for their intended purpose. The wooden handles of tools must be kept free of splinters or cracks and should not be loose. Defective tools will not be used. Examples of defective tools include but are not limited to chisels with mushroomed heads, hammers with loose or split handles, guards missing on saws or grinders, etc. Electronic equipment will be inspected prior to use. Charge all batteries with the appropriate charger. Make sure the battery is properly connected to the equipment prior to use. Do not use damaged cables. If equipment becomes wet, dry equipment thoroughly with a cloth and leave cases open to air dry.
I agree
I do not agree
Electrical hand tools will be double insulated or grounded
I agree
I do not agree
Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters GFCI’s must be used at all times when operating power hand tools
I agree
I do not agree
Each electrical hand tool and equipment will be inspected prior to use. All defective tools will be removed from the job site
I agree
I do not agree
Each Strategic Construction Solutions and Enel Green Power employee, regardless of rank, has the authority, obligation and responsibility to shut down any unsafe operation or behavior that poses a health and safety danger. This “Stop Work Authority” extends to part-time, contract, and temporary employees.
I agree
I do not agree
Each vehicle will have a fire extinguisher, a first aid kit and maps with hospital locations and contact information for each hospital. Loose items must be secured before travel and any items extending two feet beyond the vehicle shall be marked with a red flag. All vehicles should be equipped with a spare tire. Vehicles must be in good working order and driven by an authorized licensed driver – NO EXCEPTIONS.
I agree
I do not agree
Vehicles shall be parked to allow for safe exit from the vehicle and the parking location. Vehicles shall be parked where they do not present a hazard to other traffic.
I agree
I do not agree
No employee is permitted to ride in the bed of a truck standing up or sitting on the outside edges of a truck. Employees must be sitting down inside the truck or truck bed when the vehicle is in motion.
I agree
I do not agree
Riding as a passenger on equipment is prohibited unless the equipment has the safe capacity for transporting personnel.
I agree
I do not agree
Report all unsafe conditions and near misses to on site safety and or supervisor so immediate corrective action can be taken.
I agree
I do not agree
All chemicals brought onsite for work activities will require an SDS to be on file at the work site for that chemical. The SCS Right To Know Center is available at If your chemical SDS is not available at this site please provide a copy to the SCS safety manager to have it uploaded
I agree
I do not agree
All floor openings or excavations shall be barricaded on all sides to ensure employees are aware of the hazards. Floor holes shall be covered, with the covers secured and clearly marked.
I agree
I do not agree
Warning signs, barricades, and tags will be used to the fullest extent and shall be obeyed.
I agree
I do not agree
Scaffolding green tags are to be placed on 100 percent complete scaffolds with all braces, locks and hand rails, mid, and toe rails in place before use.
I agree
I do not agree
Yellow tags indicate incomplete scaffolds. If scaffold is missing a hand, mid, or toe board, it must have a yellow tag and employees on it must be tied off at all times.
I agree
I do not agree
Red tags indicate scaffolds that are in the process of either being erected or disassembled. These scaffolds are not to be used at any time.
I agree
I do not agree
Scaffold tags should be placed in a highly visible location on the scaffolds for all employees to see.
I agree
I do not agree
All OSHA Safety Standards concerning Lockout/ Tagout of energized equipment will be followed. Strategic Construction Solutions Lockout/Tagout Policy HS B016.
I agree
I do not agree
All OSHA Safety Standards will be followed for job processes requiring fall protection.
I agree
I do not agree
Employees will be required to follow the (six) 6 foot rule for construction fall protection. SCS requires a 100% tie off when exposed to tasks above 6’ in height. Fall protection will be inspected prior to use and any damaged harness or lanyard will be pulled from service.
I agree
I do not agree
Failure to properly follow OSHA and Contractor’s fall protection requirements is a ZERO TOLERANCE violation.
I agree
I do not agree
Compressed Gas Cylinders shall be stored in the upright position and separated by gas type. Protective cap must be installed while in storage. A physical barrier or chain will be employed to prevent the cylinders from falling. On welding units and carts, flash back arrestors must be installed and functioning.
I agree
I do not agree
Rigging equipment will be free of defects and inspected daily. Only qualified riggers will be allowed to use rigging equipment.
I agree
I do not agree
Cranes are to be operated by qualified and authorized operators. Only trained and certified spotters and riggers will be allowed to direct the crane activities.
I agree
I do not agree
Cranes and other equipment will not be allowed to operate near overhead electrical lines and hazards. Always check clearances and travel path prior to setting up any equipment or cranes.
I agree
I do not agree
All equipment must be inspected daily. The inspection records will be retained by the project supervision. Any defective equipment will be removed from site and not used.
I agree
I do not agree
Any excavation or trench will be governed by the trenching and excavation policy and only trained and qualified individuals will be allowed to work around any excavation.
I agree
I do not agree
Slips, trips and falls occur due to a loss of traction between the shoe and the walking surface.Guidelines to reduce the risk include good housekeeping, reduce wet or slippery surface, avoid creating obstacles, create or maintain proper lighting, wear proper footwear.
I agree
I do not agree
Excavations for ground penetrations greater than one inch (1”) shall not occur until all buried utilities are identified by Nebraske 811.
I agree
I do not agree
Personnel involved in excavations shall know and understand markings made by buried utility location services prior to excavations.
I agree
I do not agree
Excavations for foundation or trenching activities shall be properly barricaded and shored.
I agree
I do not agree
Trench inspections by a qualified individual shall be performed on a daily basis before commencement of site work activities.
I agree
I do not agree
Trench inspections by a qualified individual shall be performed on a daily basis at the end of each day’s work activities prior to leaving the site to ensure that excavations are properly barricaded while unattended.
I agree
I do not agree
The above safety statements are guidelines and reminders for the various safety topics. To obtain complete details refer to the appropriate safety policies in the SCS Safety Manual located at
I understand
I do not understand
Initial your acceptance of the obligations within this section
Environmental Concerns and Procedures
Heat stress can take several forms and it results from working in a hot environment. When the body is unable to cool itself by sweating, heat induced illnesses such as heat stress, heat exhaustion, or heatstroke can occur. All employees shall have access to adequate drinking water throughout the work day. In extreme heat, it is recommended to drink electrolytes in addition to water. When beginning work in a hot environment it might be necessary to take additional breaks until the employee is acclimated to the climate.
I understand
I do not understand
Cold-related illnesses can slowly overcome a person who has been chilled by low temperatures, brisk winds, and wet clothing. Frostbite usually affects the fingers, hands, toes, feet, ears, and nose. Employees should dress in layers and wear clothing to guard against cold, wet, and windy conditions. Take frequent short breaks to warm-up as needed.
I understand
I do not understand
Lightning: Avoid working during thunderstorms. This project has a 50/30/15 rule. Lightning at 50 mile, be aware- 30 miles, take caution- 15 miles, take cover or cab up and remain under cover until 30 minutes after the final strike. The weatherbug lightning app will be monitored by the SCS safety manager to determine where the lightning strikes are occurring. During a take cover status seek shelter in a building with plumbing and electrical wiring or vehicle with a metal top. Vehicles with non-metal tops or enclosures such as fiberglass, cloth or plastic are not considered effective protection against lightning. Avoid open, bare areas. Do not cross water bodies.
I understand and agree to these terms
I do not understand
I do not agree to these terms
Dust Storm: In the event a dust storm develops in the work area all employees will take shelter in buildings or vehicles and wait for the dust to subside. Do not drive in dust storms. If driving pull to side of road with running lights and headlights left in the on position to provide visibility to other motorists.
I understand and agree to these terms
I do not understand
I do not agree to these terms
Tornadoes: If outdoors seek shelter in a building, low depression, ditch or hole. Lie flat in a ditch and cover your head. In a building, the best shelter is inside the basement or interior room on the lowest floor.
I understand and agree to these terms
I do not understand
I do not agree to these terms
Ultraviolet Radiation: When working outdoors employees are subject to ultraviolet radiation, even when the temperature is low. To prevent skin damage due to sun exposure, keep your skin covered. Wearing pants, long sleeve shirts and hard hats can assist in preventing skin damage. Sun screen with an SPF factor of at least 30 is recommended for areas that are not covered by clothing.
I understand
I do not understand
Initial your acceptance of the obligations within this section
Biological Hazards and Controls
Snakes are typically found in underbrush and tall grassy areas. Most snake bites occur below the knee, on the hand or on the forearm. It is recommended that employees use gauntlet gloves, high-top leather boots, and extra care when walking through underbrush or tall grass. If you are bitten by a snake stay calm. Notify co-workers to help you seek medical attention. Seek medical attention from the nearest medical facility, Immobilize the affected limb, keeping the bitten part below the level of the heart. Even if the snake is not venomous, excellent wound care is required. A tetanus booster shot is needed if the employee has not had one within the last 5 years, Do not cut the bite open and suck out the venom. Do not apply ice, cold packs, or Freon spray, and remember, as with all puncture wounds, snake bites carry a high risk of infection, whether or not venom is injected. Clean the wound carefully with soap and water.
I understand
I do not understand
Bees and Other Stinging Insects: Bees, wasps, and other stinging insects may be encountered almost anywhere and may present a serious hazard, particularly to people who are allergic. Carry a kit if you have had allergic reactions in the past, and inform your crew leader (typically supervisor/ foreman/ lead man). Watch for and avoid nests while working. If stung and the stinger is present, remove it carefully with tweezers. Wash and disinfect the wound, cover it and apply ice. Watch for an allergic reaction and seek medical attention if a reaction develops.
I understand and agree
I do not understand
I do not agree
Initial your acceptance of the obligations within this section
Reporting of Injuries
All employees will be held accountable for going to and filling out an injury notification form immediately after an injury occurs, even if medical treatment is not required (notice must be made at or near the time of the injury). Enel Green Power will require notification no later than 12 hours after the incident. Employees must report the injury to their supervisor/ project manager. A casual mentioning of the injury will not be sufficient. Employees must let their supervisor know immediately (check that you understand each requirement):
How they think they hurt themselves
What they were doing at the time
Who they were working with at the time
When and where it happened
Other pertinent information that will aid in the investigation of the incident.
Failure to report an injury immediately(meaning at or near the time of the injury) is a violation of the SCS Safety Policy, and may result in immediate termination or removal from the project, in accordance with company policy.
I understand and agree
I do not understand
I do not agree
Emergency Contact Information Sheet will be posted onsite as well at for supervisors and employees reference.
I understand and agree
I do not understand
I do not agree
Emergency Contact Information Sheet will be posted onsite as well at for supervisors and employees reference.
I understand and agree
I do not understand
I do not agree
Following a non-serious injuries, illness, and or near miss, the involved employee must notify their supervisor immediately. The involved employee supervisor must notify SCS safety manager or project manager immediately. The supervisor and employee will use the Occupational Clinic/Hospital listed on the Emergency Contact Information Sheet located at Any employee who is taken to the hospital or clinic will be accompanied by a member of supervision.
I understand and agree
I do not understand
I do not agree
In the event of a serious incident, immediate notification shall be made to: supervision, safety department and the Strategic Construction Solutions executive management team, regulatory agency notification if applicable (OSHA, DOT, etc.) All communication with regulatory agency will be handled by the Director of Safety or a member of the executive management team.
I understand and agree
I do not understand
I do not agree
Other steps to be taken are: signed dated and time noted statements from witnesses, photographs of the area where the incident occurred and any other relevant items.
I understand and agree
I do not understand
I do not agree
The Director of Safety will assist in incident investigations.
I understand
In follow-up to any serious incident, a root-cause investigation meeting will be organized and held within a reasonable time. The final report will be reviewed with the executive management team prior to issuance to clients and or regulatory agencies, responsible contractor(s) and responsible managers.
I understand
In case of an inspection by an OSHA Inspector, the supervisor, foreman or safety tech/ foreman must notify the Director of Safety and Enel Green Power management that an OSHA Inspector is on the job site. It is the responsibility of all employees to make the inspector’s visit on the job site as pleasant and timely as possible.
I understand and agree
I do not agree
Initial your acceptance of the obligations within this section
Enforcement of Safety Policy
Safety violation notice(s) shall be issued to any employee, subcontractor, or anyone on the job site violating the safety rules or regulations by on site supervision. Any violation of safety rules can result in suspension, termination or immediate removal from the job. Any subcontractor employee receiving three (3) written general violations within a six (6) month period shall be terminated or removed from the job. Issuance of a safety violation notice for failure to use fall protection or for failure to report a job injury (at the time of the injury) may result in immediate termination or removal from the job, in accordance with company policy
I understand and agree
I do not agree
It is understood that SCS/ Atwell is not restricting itself to the above rules and regulations. Additional rules and regulations as dictated by the job will be issued and posted as needed.
I understand and agree
I do not understand
SCS has a ZERO TOLERANCE policy. Zero tolerance policy violations will result in the immediate dismissal of the individual(s) involved and permanent barring from the construction site. Strategic Construction Solutions enforcement actions are referenced below (please select each item to acknowledge acceptance):
Fall Protection Hazard Violation – 6’ rule
Excavation Hazard Violation – 5’ rule
Lockout/Tagout Hazardous Energies Violation
Life threatening Energized Electrical Violation
Confined Space Violation
Willful Violation of any OSHA Standard
Initial your acceptance of the obligations within this section
Site Sanitary Facilities
Strategic Construction Solutions will utilize existing site sanitary facilities throughout the project duration per contract requirements, including portable restrooms, hand wash stations and waste disposal containers at the direction of Laurel WWTP. Good housekeeping and site cleanup practices will be maintained by both Strategic Construction Solutions and subcontractors so that the project site is clean and presentable at all times.
I understand and agree
I do not understand
Name of Attendee
First Name
Last Name
I AGREE: I have read each section of this orientation and AGREE to ALL the terms of this orientation
I DO NOT AGREE: I have read each section of this orientation and I DO NOT AGREE to all the terms as described
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