Membership fees
How much?
Membership fees are $5 per year unwaged or $20 per year waged.
When are they due?
If you joined or rejoined on or after 1st July 2018, fees are due on the anniversary of your being accepted as a member. If you joined before then, fees are due by 30th June each year.
What happens if I don’t pay on time?
If you don’t pay your fees within 3 months of becoming due each year, your membership expires and, according to our Constitution, you must reapply for your membership to be reinstated. Click on the "Continue application" button to reapply for membership.
Difficulty completing this application
Other ways of paying:
● You can pay online by clicking on the "Continue application" button below. Paying this way also ensures your membership details are correct and up to date.
● You can pay via direct debit. Our BSB is 032828 and our account number is 249136. Make sure you put your name in the reference field so our Treasurer knows who has paid.
● You can pay by cheque. Cheques should be made payable to Blue Mountains Unions Council Inc.
Cheques can be posted to our Treasurer or you can bring your cheque to one of our meetings or events.
BMUC Treasurer
c/o D Smith
52-52a Great Western Hwy
● You can pay in
cash when you attend one of our meetings or events.
We usually meet at the Family Hotel, 15 Parke St, Katoomba at 10.30am on the first Sunday of the month, however, this can be changed by public holidays, Fathers Day etc. You can
confirm our meeting times via our Google Calendar.