Classroom Enhancement Grant
Faculty may apply for grants throughout the academic year for research-based activities or invited classroom guests that support efforts to enrich the teaching experience with a focus on ethics, broadly construed. These grants may be used to invite a guest lecturer from outside Dartmouth to a class via Zoom or in person, to go on a research-related field trip, or to engage in other activities that support the curriculum or classroom experience.
Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Dartmouth ID
Dartmouth Email
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Date of Visit
include date the speaker will be addressing class.
Course Name, Time and Date (if you are requesting something other than a speaker, enter below.)
A few paragraphs describing the research project, which includes an explicit articulation of the ethics component, and how this project will support your teaching at Dartmouth.
Other Request
If your request is for something other than a speaker for a class, please provide a brief description in this section.
Speaker or Speakers' Name, Affiliation and Title of Talk
Multiple speakers/honorariums via Zoom is an acceptable request. If you are inviting speakers after receiving the honorarium(s), please send along list of speakers once you have finalized the visits.
Description of how the request addresses the mission of the Ethics Institute.
The Ethics Institute exists to foster the study and teaching of ethics throughout the Dartmouth community, at the undergraduate, graduate and professional schools.
Application Date
Date Picker Icon
Classroom Enhancement Grants should not be used to supplement travel or other expenses related to academic conferences on campus. If a visiting faculty member is on campus for such a conference, Classroom Enhancement Grants may be used for an additional night’s stay in Hanover in order to meet with students in classes. Awards typically range from $500-$1000, with an honorarium limit of $500 per person and any additional funds used for travel or other costs. Honorariums for Zoom classroom visits are encouraged. Faculty may submit requests totaling up to $3000 per fiscal year and are encouraged to do so to advance their teaching, additional requests may be considered based on the availability of funds. In keeping with the Dartmouth finance center requirements, after the event, please submit a report detailing the visit and budget for our records.
Detailed Budget
Amount and Explanation (specify travel, housing, honorarium, food, etc.)
Are you applying for additional funds from other sources? If so, list here.
Chart string to transfer funds
Please confirm and provide a chart string which will allow a transfer into the account.
Department Administrator
For award transfer, provide name of Department Administrator
Total amount requested
Should be Empty: