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Esequiel "Zeke" Rivera agrees to be available and assist the Couple and provid support and guidance during the planning stages of the wedding ceremony and through the final vows of the wedding ceremony itself.
Esequiel "Zeke" Rivera agrees to perform the ceremony in a respectful and professional manner in accordance with the ceremony planned by the Couple. Esequiel "Zeke" Rivera will dress appropriately for the wedding and arrive early on the day of the ceremony. In the unlikely event that Esequiel "Zeke" Rivera is unable to perform the ceremony for unforeseen circumstances (ie. death, accident, injury, etc.), Esequiel "Zeke" Rivera will do his best to find a replacement.
I will guarantee availability for the Couples’ wedding date and time; thus preventing Esequiel "Zeke" Rivera from booking another wedding at the same time. If for any reason, a decision is made not to use the services of Esequiel "Zeke" Rivera, the Couple must inform Esequiel "Zeke" Rivera, in writing (e-mail, text or letter) 5 days prior to the wedding date in order to release the Couple from this contract. If the Couple fails to provide such notice, the Couple agrees to be responsible for the remainder of the balance owed to Esequiel "Zeke" Rivera.
"Wait Time Fee" It is understandable that a wedding can be behind schedule at times. That is why I give my couples an hour of my schedule time to meet with the couple, do the paperwork and finally conduct your wedding ceremony. If your wedding does go beyond the hour after the wedding was suppose to start, you will be billed (PayPal) $15.00 for each additional 15 minutes thereafter for waiting.
(1-15 minutes) $15.00
(16-30 minutes) $30.00
(31-45 minutes) $45.00
(46-60 minutes) $60.00
The Couple and Esequiel "Zeke" Rivera agree to act in good faith towards one another and to communicate openly and honestly during the length of this contract.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto agree to the terms and conditions as described above and have caused this contract to be signed on the dates indicated on the Wedding Request Form. This contract, once signed, is considered by all parties within to be legal and binding in accordance with the conditions set forth herein, and shall abide by the agreed upon terms. The parties agree that the specifics of the agreed ceremony shall be considered a part of this contract after signing.
All information is held strictly private. I do not lend, sell, trade, or give away your private information to any vendor, person, or organization of any kind. I respect your privacy!