1. 24 cancellation is in effect. Full consultation fees will be forfiet and will be due to North Island Canine.
2. Payment is due in full at the end of the consultation.
3. Payment is accepted in the form of cash, cheque or e-transfer.
4. Initial consultations are subject to a mandatory follow up session within 2-4 weeks to ensure suggested training methods are implemented appropriately.
5. All services have set fees, check website for details.
I understand that attendance of a dog obedience training class or consultations is not without risk to myself, members of my family or guests who may attend, or my dog, because of some of the dogs to which I will be exposed may be difficult to control and may be the cause of injury even when handled with the greatest amount of care.
I hereby waive and release North Island Canine hereinafter referred to as the "Training Organization", its employees, officers, members and agents from any and all liability of any nature, for injury or damage which I or my dog may suffer, including specifically, but without limitation, any injury or damage resulting from the action of any dog, and I expressly assume the risk of such damage or injury while attending any training session, or any other function, of the Training Organization, or while on the training grounds or the surrounding area thereto.
In consideration of and as inducement to the acceptance of my application for training membership by this Training Organization, I hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless this Training Organization, its employees, officers, members and agents from any and all claims, or claims by any member of any family or any other person accompanying me to any training session or function to the Training Organization, or while on the grounds or the surrounding area thereto as a result of any action by any dog, including my own.