Continua abajo para leer los términos y condiciones en Español
- Participation is at no charge. No racist, sexist, pornographic or otherwise offensive entries are allowed. All participant entries are subject to acceptance by the Chula Vista Starlight Parade. The committee reserves the right to refuse entry to any applicant for any reason.
- By signing this application/agreement you give the Chula Vista Starlight Parade Committee the exclusive right to use in any media your name, likeness, photos, recordings, video or telecast reproduction of your performance for any purpose including television airing, promotion, advertising or otherwise.
- In addition, you further agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend against any action against McFarlane Promotions, Inc., City of Chula Vista, Third Avenue Village Association, Chula Vista Starlight Parade, its employees, its officers, its Boards, all persons involved in organizing, sponsoring or conducting the Chula Vista Starlight Parade and all related activities, its committees and their respective officers, agents, sponsors and employees, from and against any and all claims, losses, suits, judgments, damages and expenses, including attorney’s fees, for any injury or damage, and any other claims asserted by or on behalf of any third party, and any liabilities whatsoever to anyone associated with my organization/group/business arising from, or in connection with my/our participation in the Chula Vista Starlight Parade and all related activities.
- I/We, the undersigned, represent and warrant that I/we possess all necessary authority to perform any musical compositions I/we may play in conjunction with the Chula Vista Starlight Parade and all related activities. I/We have read and understand this Consent and Release in its entirety. I/We warrant that I/We are properly authorized to sign this Consent and Release on behalf of myself and my organization/group/business.
I/we hereby understand and agree to accept the risk of bodily injury and/or property damage which I/we may incur or cause a third party to incur as a result of my/our participation in the Chula Vista Starlight Parade. With this understanding, I/we further agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the McFarlane Promotions, Inc., City of Chula Vista, Third Avenue Village Association, the Chula Vista Starlight Parade and their respective officers, agents, and employees from and against any and all claims, losses, injuries, suits and judgments arising from, or in connection with my successors, assigns, heirs, executors and administrators, and any other persons or entities who/which may have a claim based on my/our personal injuries and/or property damage. I/we further understand and agree that this save harmless and indemnification shall apply to and all facilities that the City of Chula Vista may own and/or control. Furthermore, I/we have read and agree to abide by the Chula Vista Starlight Parade guidelines and rules, as shown in the pages provided and those to be presented with the participant’s information package if my unit is accepted.
I/We have read and understand the Terms and Conditions in its entirety. I/We warrant that I/We are properly authorized to sign this Terms and Conditions on behalf of myself and my organization/group/business.
Términos y Condiciones
La participación es gratuita. No se permiten inscripciones racistas, sexistas, pornográficas u ofensivas. Todas las entradas de los participantes están sujetas a la aceptación de Chula Vista Starlight Parade. El comité se reserva el derecho de rechazar la entrada a cualquier solicitante por cualquier motivo.
Al firmar esta solicitud / acuerdo, le da al Comité de Desfile de Starlight de Chula Vista el derecho exclusivo de usar en cualquier medio su nombre, imagen, fotos, grabaciones, videos o transmisiones de su presentación para cualquier propósito, incluyendo transmisión de televisión, promoción, publicidad o cualquier otra tema relacionada.
Además, también Ud. acepta indemnizar, no dañar, y defenderse contra cualquier acción contra McFarlane Promotions, Inc., Ciudad de Chula Vista, Third Avenue Village Association, Chula Vista Starlight Parade, sus empleados, sus oficiales, sus juntas, todas las personas participando en la organización, patrocinio o dirección del Desfile Estelar de Chula Vista y todas las actividades relacionadas, sus comités y sus respectivos funcionarios, agentes, patrocinadores y empleados, de y contra todos y cada uno de los reclamos, pérdidas, demandas, juicios, daños y gastos, incluidos los abogados, honorarios, por cualquier lesión o daño, y cualquier otra reclamación declarada por o en nombre de un tercero, y cualquier responsabilidad a cualquier persona asociada con mi organización / grupo / negocio que surja de, o en relación con mi / nuestra participación en la Chula Vista Starlight Parade y todas las actividades relacionadas.
Yo / Nosotros, los abajo firmantes, declaramos y garantizamos que poseemos toda la autoridad necesaria para interpretar cualquier composición musical que podamos tocar junto con el Desfile de la Luz de las Estrellas de Chula Vista y todas las actividades relacionadas. Yo / Nosotros hemos leído y entendido este Consentimiento y Liberación en su totalidad. Yo / Nosotros garantizamos que estoy / Estamos debidamente autorizados para firmar este Consentimiento y Liberación en nombre de mí y de mi organización / grupo / negocio.