Excel 101 Quiz
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1. Workbooks saved in the XLSX, XLSM, or XLSB formats have how many rows on each worksheet?
A. 256
B. 16384
C. 65536
D. 1048576
2. When text isn't wide enough to fit into a cell:
A. Excel displays ######
B. Excel automatically widens the column
C. Excel rejects the input as being too long
D. Excel truncates the visible portion of the text
3. Excel will recognize which of the following as a valid numeric date?
A. 1/1/2017
B. =1/1/2017
C. ‘1/1/2017
D. 1~1~2017
4. What must you do to the Fill Handle to copy formulas in highlighted cells to the bottom of a list or table?
A. Right-click
B. Left-click
C. Double-click
D. Right-click, then Left-click
5. To quickly add a template such as an amortization table to an existing worksheet, where should you right-click to reveal an Insert menu?
A. Excel's title bar
B. A worksheet tab
C. Top left-hand corner of the worksheet frame
D. Lower left-hand corner of the worksheet frame
6. In which corner of Excel’s worksheet area can you right-click to display a list of worksheets?
A. Top-Left
B. Bottom-Left
C. Top-Right
D. Bottom-Right
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