As an adult leader at the Jeremiah Project:
1. I have familiarized myself with the Jeremiah Project’s 8 Core Values and Statement of Belief (these can be found on our website under “About Us.” at: and support JP’s mission.
2. I will support JP’s policy regarding Conversations around Human Sexuality, which is as follows: JP’s mission at camp, simply put, is to provide opportunities for students to serve and to point them to Jesus Christ. Although this mission trip experience can be seen as an experience for just your church, the reality is that you are part of a bigger community where other churches will be attending. Work teams and breakout groups will be made up students from multiple churches. And our overall community as we gather to worship, pray, and lift up the name of Jesus together encompasses all churches.
3. Knowing that there will be churches on your JP week that will likely hold differing views on the topic of human sexuality and gender identity, we respectfully insist that you refrain from initiating conversations on this topic with students while at camp, at the worksite, etc. Engaging in these conversations will only serve to divide the community and distract us from JP’s mission. Should a student initiate a conversation on this topic, we ask that you acknowledge the importance of discussing it, but since others may have different views on this topic, encourage the student to continue the conversation with their youth leader either on free day, or when they return home from JP.
4. I am aware of JP’s statement regarding adult leadership on Work Teams, which is as follows: The Jeremiah Project will create age specific work teams made up of members from various churches. Because we want to provide the best experience for both age groups, we will have separate work sites for high schoolers and middle schoolers. High schoolers will stay at the same site all week (or until the project is complete), while middle schoolers will rotate sites each day.
5. Additionally, the Jeremiah Project cannot guarantee that two adult leaders will be placed on every work team. Although JP requires background checks for all of our staff 18 years and older, campers 18 years and older, and from all adult church participants, we do not believe it is necessary - nor feasible - to increase the adult to student ratio in order to guarantee two adults per work team.
6. I commit to not putting students I am unsure about on this trip just to make our contract minimum, or to convert them or for any purpose outside the mission, vision, and objective of the Jeremiah Project.
7. I commit to handling all discipline issues and supply enough adult leaders to meet the required criteria of 1 adult for every 7 same-sex students.
8. I will cooperate with the Jeremiah Project staff and never intentionally try to undermine the goals of the trip.
9. I commit to always show respect to the entire Jeremiah Project staff.
10. I know that some of the Jeremiah Project summer staff will be made up of high school and college-aged students working under the leadership of a full-time Jeremiah Project staff member.
11. I will raise any concerns or complaints to the Jeremiah Project staff directly during adult-only meeting times or an appropriate time when students are not present.
12. I will fully participate in all aspects of the Jeremiah Project mission experience, to include morning and afternoon devotions, evening program, community activities, and adult leader meetings. I understand and commit to completely following the Church Preparation Manual, providing an opportunity for our students to participate in all Training Sessions, realizing that they are both core pre-trip components to ensure a successful mission experience with the Jeremiah Project.
13. I will refrain from the use of my phone during scheduled times of morning and lunchtime devotions, as well as evening program.
14. I understand that Jeremiah Project trips are physically demanding. I understand that fatigue will be part of our experience.
15. I am committed to making this experience great for the students.