The following items are considered contraband and are not allowed in your possession. These items need to be turned in at intake for safe keeping. Items not turned in at intake may be forfeited. Violations of this policy can result in loss of privileges or criminal charges.
A. Money ($5.00 or more)
B. Cell phones, iPod touch, laptops (anything with internet access)
C. Lighters and Matches
D. Alcohol and Drugs
E. Cigarettes
F. Weapons, knives, scissors, shaving razors, sharp objects, etc.
G. Medication in any form.
H. Items not belonging to the client.
I. Toxic solvents will not be used in the shelter- glue, aerosol hairspray or deodorant, fingernail polish or remover, etc. Other less toxic products such as pump hair sprays may be used but will be stored in lockup.
J. Written notes or letters between clients- Notes passed between clients will be collected and placed in the client files. Due to confidentiality and safety, current clients will not be allowed to visit or correspond with discharged clients. We ask that clients not share personal addresses or phone numbers with other clients.
K. Cameras (cannot be used to photograph other clients)
L. The Shelter has its own video library and collection of approved video games. Clients are asked to not bring their personal movies, games or equipment with them.
M. No snacks or energy drinks. The Shelter will provide nutritious snacks.
N. No hats except appropriate winter apparel.
CD players/ radios are not allowed to be used outside of the client’s room. Evergreen staff highly recommend that clients not bring expensive electronics or CD collections to the Shelter. We recommend storing these items in the staff lockup for safe keeping. In-house computers, DVD player, PlayStation and other electronics cannot be used as substitute CD players or radios.
In the interest of safety, the Evergreen Staff reserve the right to search a client’s room and personal belongings if the staff have reason to believe that a client has contraband in their possession. The staff will review the content of confiscated notes, cameras, phones, iPods or other digital devices if not turned in upon intake. Concerns over content may be shared with parents or placing agents.
I understand that Evergreen House is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
I also understand that any personal items (clothing, jewelry, etc. ) left at the Evergreen House for longer than 60 days after the date of departure becomes the property of Evergreen House to do with as they so choose.
I have read and understood the above Evergreen House policy.