Members of North Shore Exchange Insiders enjoy exclusive benefits for one year by making a $100, fully tax-deductible donation to North Shore Exchange. 100% of the proceeds from your donation go directly toward the worthy charities we support that serve families and children below the poverty line, along with our local social service agency, Family Service of Glencoe. North Shore Exchange does not receive any profit from your donation.
To thank you for your generous support of our mission, North Shore Exchange Insiders enjoy:
- Sneak preview, members-only private shopping days twice a year for our Spring and Fall debuts - offering you first dibs on our most-wanted pieces
- One-day early notice on our flash sales, allowing members to enjoy sale pricing a full day earlier
- Exclusive, sneak preview emails of our best items about to hit the sales floor and a chance to buy those items a day earlier
- A special birthday coupon for you to use for extra savings one shopping day of your birthday month
To join North Shore Exchange Insiders, please fill out the following application and submit along with your donation for $100. Only credit card payments will be accepted. You will receive a confirmation upon receipt of your donation and successful enrollment in our VIP program. We look forward to welcoming you as a North Shore Exchange Insider, and thank you for your support of North Shore Exchange.