Mission Statement: To provide excellent emergency medical and emergency response education that ensures all students become well prepared to serve the public safely and effectively.
Audience: Anyone with a deep desire to provide outstanding pre-hospital medical care and safe and effective emergency response to the public.
At the conclusion of the program, graduates of the Gloucester County Emergency Medical Service EMT Training Academy will be able to:
• Safely respond to and approach an emergency scene and participate in the mitigation of emergent hazards.
• Identify a life threatening, or potentially life threatening, medical or traumatic emergency through the use of evaluation of an emergency scene and assessment of a patient.
• Collect and analyze patient medical history and conduct a patient interview, physical examination, and vital sign interpretation.
• Formulate and apply a treatment plan based off evidence-based medical science, within the EMT scope of practice.
• Create and submit patient care reports based off information learned and obtained during both real and simulated patient encounters.
• Identify and define proper anatomical parts, structures and functions of the human body.
• List the indications, contraindications, precautions, dosages, and side effects of the medications that are in the EMT scope of practice.
• Explain the rationale used to formulate a specific treatment plan based off an EMT assessment and interview.
• Discover traumatic injuries through direct visualization, palpation, and auscultation of real and simulated patients.
• Distinguish between acutely ill and stable patients.
• Provide and defend a differential diagnosis of both real and simulated patients
based off information learned during patient assessments, vital sign interpretation, and knowledge of disease processes within the EMT scope of practice.
• Appreciate the signs and symptoms of both acute and chronic illness and show empathy toward patients.
• Delivery and management of new born babies.
• Support patients through their illnesses by deploying therapeutic communication
skills and evidence-based medicine within the EMT scope of practice.
• Accept constructive criticism from the instructor staff, field preceptors, and peers in regard to the clinical and emotional care provided to both real and
simulated patients.
• Operate EMS equipment under both real and simulated high-stress situations.
• Differentiate between various pieces of equipment by the use of touch,
appearance, and application.
• Perform assessments and treatments, within the EMT scope of practice, during
both real and simulated high-stress situations.
• Sort and triage patients of varying levels of acuity based of recognized
guidelines within the current EMT education curriculum.
• Possess the requisite cognitive knowledge to obtain both New Jersey Licensure
and NREMT Certification.