There are several guidelines that you need to follow to ensure that your picture works with our system and also serves as an appropriate form of identification.
Technical specifications
The file that you submit must be a ".jpg" file.
Photo specifications
The photo must be:
- In color
- A recent picture taken within the last six (6) months
- Preferably taken in front of a plain background
- One in which you are alone in the picture with no one else visible
- One in which you are looking forward with your eyes open
- One in which we can clearly see your head and shoulders
- One in which you are not wearing hats or head covering (unless those items are worn daily for religious purposes, and in such cases those items must not obscure any facial features)
- Free from glare on eyeglasses (dark glasses are not permitted unless you have a medical reason for them)
- Taken with sufficient lighting that has no shadows
- Taken in "portrait" mode vs. "landscape" mode.