Hello all! We are conducting this survey to receive community feedback about the future update which will release Outposts for the Frontier. This is the update which will grant a protected residence to Empires in the frontier at their established outpost.
We know this is an important topic, so we chose a survey to gather information. Threads tend to drown out certain opinions or sway people's original thoughts. This information WILL be used and hopefully very soon (no ETA).
Okay, what do we want you to share? Everything!
Do you have an ideal vision of what outposts should look like, share that!
Have you seen land claiming on another server and want us to NOT do what they did; let us know.
More specifically, we are looking for things like how the claming process looks like, the distance between outposts, limits to how much or how often you can claim, costs, what special features should outposts get, and what restrictions should outposts have when compared with town.
Thank you you your help with this, we look forward to receiving your input and combining with our existing plans for this feature addition.