Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and Periscope are popular and powerful tools. Like most tools, they can be helpful if used correctly or harmful if used inappropriately. Our students use these social media platforms and are counting on us as trusted integral leaders on these same platforms. We are to model grace, love, and Christian values on these platforms.
The most important principle is that you are responsible and considerate with what you choose to write. The internet is a public forum, and posting something privately from your home is the same as speaking it from a stage. Even if you delete something, the internet keeps a record. Once your post is published, it’s impossible to take it back. Please think before you post, and be responsible with your words.
Any personal blogs should contain a disclaimer. Here’s a example: This is my personal blog and does not necessarily represent the views of Poplar Spring Baptist Church or any people, organizations or groups mentioned here.
Here are a few additional tips and admonishments:
1. Be pleasant and be positive. Like it or not, people will equate you and what you say with the ministry you serve.
2. Do not attack fellow volunteers, staff, or guests. Keep your tone respectful. Ephesians 4:29
3. Think before you write. If you have a doubt, let someone else read it before you post.
4. Avoid posting, sharing, liking any derogatory advertisements, solicitations or promote any suspect chain letters, or pyramid schemes. Your social media account will be more vulnerable to hackers, viruses and explicit content that may show up on your page.
5. Don’t write about potentially embarrassing situations that could cast a negative light on Poplar Springs Church. For example, you shouldn’t post “I just saw a rat in the church conference room.” , “ I wish my church had more money” or " the choir sounded horrible today".
6. Follow copyright rules. If you give information that did not originate with you, be sure to give credit. Cite and link when appropriate. Example © Copyright infringement is a federal criminal offense.
7. It’s perfectly okay to discuss church related topics, but don’t talk about sensitive subjects. Private conversations should be kept private.
8. If a member of the media contacts you, contact the youth ministry director or church public relations representative immediately.