1:1 Coaching Application
Hello there! Please fill out this quick application to help us better understand your goals and what you personally need to achieve them! Once the application is complete, you will be contacted within 48 hours. This should take no longer than 5-10 minutes to complete. Talk soon!
First Name
Last Name
Tell us about your fitness goals. What do YOU want to accomplish with New Standard Coaching and WHY? Please be specific.
What are the main challenges you face in reaching these goals?
I have unhealthy habits I can't shake
My environment is not setting me up for success
My lack of knowledge (training and nutrition)
I can't stay consistent, I need accountability
How long have you been struggling with these goals?
We specialize in offering a high quality, personalized service that generates results in the most efficient way possible. Does that sound like something you'd be interested in?
Absolutely! I want high quality results!
I'd rather have a cheap, cookie cutter program!
What's your current occupation? How many hours do you work per week? Knowing this information gives us a better understanding of your lifestyle and environment. (List n/a if not applicable)
What's your IG username?
What's your phone number? (in case we need to schedule a call)
This program is not a cookie-cutter, generalized program. Everything is 100% personalized and tailored to you and your goals, schedule, wants and needs and experience level. We are not the cheapest program out there but we GUARANTEE RESULTS or your money back. Are you prepared to financially invest into your fitness goals?
I am 100% ready and capable to financially invest into my personal health, fitness and growth if the program can deliver strong results
I am on a VERY tight budget and cannot afford anything extra right now and not willing to try
Anything else we should know?
Should be Empty: