Event Intake Form-BFUU
Please be sure that you understand the terms below because they will be the agreed terms for the event. To secure the use of BFUU facilities, you have several choices. You can be the "sole sponsor" of the event without BFUU Committee involvement. You pay full rent and you get the full door money. To do this you must contact the BFUU Event Space Coordinator - rooms@bfuu.org.
All groups seeking BFUU Committee support and financial discounts need to pick one of the following plans listed below. All groups partnering with any BFUU Committee need to get approved at the Committee's meeting and need to sign a Contract at that time, or within the week after that agreement is approved. Otherwise, BFUU may revoke the agreement.
Groups that select Plan A do not need a separate contract with the BFUU office since the BFUU Committee is the main sponsor and financial beneficiary of the event door money. Like every partner, they need to sign a Contract right away. They need to fill in their Event Info Intake Form within a week or two. They can do this online or on a paper form provided by the BFUU Office. You may need to speak with the BFUU Event Space Coordinator in the BFUU office to determine the date available for your event. Make it clear to the BFUU office which of these agreements you have gotten approved by the sponsoring BFUU Committee.
Groups that select Plan B are requesting a minor BFUU Committee role in their event and a different financial and contractual agreement. Like every partner, they need to sign a Contract right away. Plan B gets you half the rental rate and half of the door money taken in at the event after paying the Sound Engineer. Like all partners, you also need to fill in your “Event Info Intake Form” ASAP, ie., within a week or two. Most importantly, Plan B groups must have a BFUU Contract rental agreement with the main office. Speak to the Event Space Coordinator about that. The BFUU Office phone is 510-841-4824 and the email is rooms@bfuu.org.
None of this applies to nominal “Sponsors” who are simply adding their name to a list of sponsors and helping to publicize and team the event. Every group that we work with is also welcome to set up a table to sell their books, videos, CD's, etc, and to pass the hat or set out a basket for donations.
Plan A – The sponsoring BFUU Committee assumes primary role/responsibility. No contract with BFUU Office required and no rental fee. BFUU gets 100% of the door $ money. You pass the hat.
Plan B – The sponsoring BFUU Committee assumes secondary role/responsibility. Contract with BFUU Office is required. You pay a discount half rental rate. Door $ money is split 50/50 after paying Tech/Sound people.
Plan C – Partner wants full control over the event and only a nominal endorsement by the sponsoring BFUU Committee, which means that a contract with the office is required at full rental rate, and you can list the sponsoring BFUU Committee as a nominal sponsor in your list of sponsors. You get the full door $ money after paying the Tech/Sound people.
First! Contact the sponsoring BFUU Committee via a contact you have within the committee or attending a meeting http://bfuu.org/index.php/committees to present your event idea.