In support of the Legacy Fund, I/we pledge and promise to pay the Texas Lyceum Association Inc. (Texas Lyceum) the total sum of $ to be paid as follows: (We request that pledges be paid within five years.)
This is an unrestricted pledge, and it may be used for any corporate purpose within the mission of the Texas Lyceum, as determined by the Board of Directors.
I/we understand that the Texas Lyceum will rely on this pledge in making commitments for expenditures outlined in the 2021 Legacy Fund Spending Policy.
Signed: Signature* Date: Date*
Signed: Signature Date: Date
Printed name: First Name* Last Name* Printed name: First Name Last Name (as you wish it to appear in donor recognition materials.)
If your organization has a matching gift policy, please consider submitting this contribution for a match. Thank you for your commitment to The Texas Lyceum!