The undersigned, complaining party and/or parties covenant and agree as follows:
- As the party and/or parties formally complaining regarding the above violation of the restrictive covenants in Prairie Creek Association that I/We will if necessary, be the plaintiff and/or plaintiffs in a legal action filed by the Prairie Creek Association to enforce the said restrictive covenants against the violating party and/or parties;
- In the event a legal action is required pursuant to the above preceding paragraph, I/We will make myself and/or ourselves available to testify in the said action and further to fully cooperate with the attorney representing the Prairie Creek Association in the said action against the violating party and/or parties;
- We further acknowledge and understand that the signing of the Protective Covenant Violation document does not obligate the Prairie Creek Association to file and/or pursue any legal action against the alleged violating party and/or parties if the appropriate officers and/or agents of the Association determines the complaint to be without legal merits.