I authorize Galen Medical Group to release to my insurance company, managed care organization, state agency(ies), federal agency(ies), Health Care Financing Administration, Third Party Administrators, and/or Workers’ Compensation or its agents any information needed to process my claim and/or determine benefits payable for related services. I also authorize Galen Medical Group to utilize a fax machine to transmit any or all of the above medical records pertaining to my medical care or insurance reimbursement. I acknowledge that faxing my medical records may increase the risk of accidental disclosure of my medical records.
I grant permission to Galen Medical Group to release all or part of my medical record to any consulting entity that may be involved in my medical care. This includes, but is not limited to, testing facilities, consulting physicians, and outpatient facilities.
I understand that I am financially responsible for deductible amounts, co-payments, co-insurance amounts, non-covered charges and any and all balances not covered under a contractual write-off agreement between Galen Medical Group and my third party payer. My carrier’s failure to pay does not release me from this responsibility. I also agree that should this account be turned to collection, I will be responsible for all costs associated with debt collection, including attorney fees and court costs.