Investment Objective Definitions
1. Income with Limited Growth
Willing to accept limited risk to your investment principal in this account, even if it means that this account does not generate significant returns and may not keep pace with inflation. This objective generally focuses on the generation of current income.
2. Income with Moderate Growth
Willing to accept relatively low risk to your investment principal and will tolerate some volatility to seek a modest level of income and/or objective returns. This objective generally focuses on asset appreciation sufficient to offset inflation over time while also generating current income.
3. Growth and Income
Willing to accept moderate risk and volatility to your investment principal to seek higher returns. This objective generally targets a balanced asset allocation approach that seeks to provide growth potential and generation of interest or dividend income.
4. Primarily Growth
Willing to accept a relatively higher risk to your investment principal, including greater volatility, to seek higher returns over time. This objective generally targets growth of the portfolio, which may or may not focus on the generation of interest or dividend income.
5. Growth
Willing to accept significant risk to your principal to aggressively seek maximum returns. This objective generally seeks maximum growth potential or generation of income from equities or alternative investments. This long-term-oriented objective is typically invested almost entirely in equities/stocks, with the remainder, if any, in fixed income/bonds or alternative investments, but actual investment allocations will differ based on individual client goals, concerns, and market conditions.