I First Name* Last Name* HEREBY ASSUME ALL OF THE RISKS OF PARTICIPATING INANY/ALL ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATED WITH TRAINING WITH Al moni Ellis. I accept allresponsibilities for any injuries that may occur while training and fully understandthat Al moni Ellis is not liable for any injuries or accidents. Date* Signature*
I First Name* Last Name* understand that all training information that is accessible to me isof the property of Al Moni Ellis and I will not share this content with others. Date* Signature*
I First Name Last Name understand that as a new client, I agree to a minimum of a 3 month commitment. This means, I am obligated to pay for the service that I signed up for withMo Fit for the next 3 months. Payment is due monthly, on the day of the monthtraining began. After I have completed 3 months I will move to a month to month membership with the cancellation policy listed below. Date Signature
I First Name Last Name agree to place my card on file via square and I acknowledge that to cancel my membership, after my initial 3 month commitment, that I need to notify Mo Fit(Almoni Ellis) via email, 30 days prior to my next payment. Should I fail to do so, I acceptthat I am still liable for the next upcoming payment, and I agree to submit the upcomingpayment upon it's due date. Date Signature
ALL THE INFORMATION I HAVE GIVEN IS CORRECTAll the information on this form is correct and to the best of my knowledge. I have sought and followed any necessary medical advice. I understand that all the information given will be kept confidential.