Schedule and Program
There will be brief remarks and explanations interspersed throughout
Erev Yom Kippur – September 18, 2018
6:30 PM Kol Nidrei, followed by words of inspiration. Page 56
7:34 PM Evening Services pg. 68
8:00 PM Selichos pg. 102
After Evening Services (approximately 8:50 pm) -Yom Kippur, Teshuva and
Confession- What is our job on Yom Kippur? with Rabbi Naftali Karp
Yom Kippur Day– September 19, 2018
10:45 AM Introduction and Torah reading pg. 440
11:10 AM Explanation and Reading of the Haftarah/ Prophets pg.462
11:20 AM Yizkor/Remarks pg. 470
11:45 AM Introduction/Mussaf pg. 482
12:15 PM Chazarat Hashatz – Leader’s Repetition pg. 502
12:40 PM “Unetaneh Tokef” “Let us Proclaim” pg. 530
1:05 PM “Alaynu” "It is Our Duty” pg. 550
1:20 PM Avodah/ The Order of the temple Service pg. 554
2:00 PM ‘Asurua Harugei Malchus” Ten Martyrs pg. 586
2:20 PM Birchat Kohanim/Priestly Blessing pg. 614
2:30pm- 4:30pm -Rabbi Karp will be( hopefully) available to study relevant texts and themes for additional inspiration
4:35 PM Mincha/ Afternoon Services pg. 626
5:30 PM Introduction to Neila
5:40 PM Neila/ /Closing Service/Remarks 5:30 PM pg. 706
7:32 PM Shofar Blowing pg.764
7:33 PM Evening Services
7:47 PM Havdalah
Light Break The Fast - Please let us know if you plan on staying for this
Note: All times are approximates. You can come for all or part of any service