Create your profile
Note: the Ganjapreneur Business Index is open to all, but there are requirements that you need to meet in order to qualify. Your business must have a professional web presence, and your support of the cannabis industry must be something that you have proclaimed publicly.
Your Name
First Name
Last Name
Your Email
Listing Details
We will use the information you enter below to populate your business listing once you have been approved for inclusion. You will have an opportunity to review/revise once it has been published.
Business Name
Business Website URL
Type of Business
B2B Services & Equipment
Licensed Cannabis Retailer/Dispensary
Licensed Cannabis
Other Licensed Plant-Touching Business
CBD Product Brand
Please select the option that best describes your business.
Business Headquarters State
The state/province where your business is headquartered. This will appear alongside your business name.
Business Contact Phone
Area Code
Phone Number
Business Contact Email
Business Description
Please describe your business in 20-80 words. This will appear alongside your business name.
Desired Category
What category should your business be filed under?
Social Media URLs
Include links to your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube accounts.
Upload Your Business Logo
Browse Files
For featured listings only. Dimensions should be 500x250 or 500x500 pixels (wide rectangle or square). JPG, PNG, or GIF. If you don't have a file ready to use, you can skip this for now.
List of Services / Features Offered
For featured listings only. You may include a list of up to 6 services/products/selling points related to your business, with a 20-30 word description of each.
Business Founders / Key Players
For featured listings only. List your founders or officers with a brief biographical statement for each.
My Products
( X )
Featured Listing (Yearly)
Featured profile in the Ganjapreneur Business Index - 1 year.
Standard Listing (Yearly)
Standard profile in the Ganjapreneur Business Index - 1 year.
One-Time Verification
Verification only - no extra features.
Pay with Credit Card
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