I.Y.G.A.S. Adoption Application
Fill in this form accurately, honestly, and completely.
Name (Nombre)
First Name (Primer Nombre)
Last Name (apellido)
Address (direccion)
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Email (coreo electronico)
Phone Number (numero de telefono)
Area Code
Phone Number
Occupation/Employer (ocupacion)
Employer Phone Number ( numero de ocupacion)
Area Code
Phone Number
Interview Questions
Do you Rent or Own your home? (Rentas o es dueno de su hogar)
Rent (renta)
Own (dueno)
If you rent, Please provide Landlord's Name and Phone # (si rentas, el nombre o numero de su propetario)
All pet adoptions require Landlord Approval prior to adoption. (Verificaremos aprobación del propietario sólo cuando adopta una mascota desde el refugio)
Do you have a fenced yard? ( Tienes un patio cercado?)
Yes (si)
No (no)
If Yes, Please describe your fence: (Si tienes un cerca que es la descripcion)
Who else lives in your household? (Please list names, relationship, and ages) (Quién vive en su casa? Listade nombres, relación y edades: )
Is the whole household in agreement to adopting a shelter pet? Es la casa entera de acuerdo con la adopción de una mascota de refugio?
Does anyone in your household have allergies to pets? Alguien en su hogar tiene alergias a los animales domésticos
What pets are currently in your household? (Please list Type, Breed, Age, Sex, spay/neuter status, and whether kept inside or outside) Qué animales tienen en su casa?Tipo/raza, edad, macho o hembra, ensterilizada o castrado@a, lo tienen adentro o afuera
Who is your Veterinarian? (Please Provide name of practice and phone number) Quién es su veterinario (nombre y numero de telefono).
Is there a dog/cat limit in your hometown? If so what is the limit? Existe un límite de perro/gato en su ciudad? Si ay un limite, cual es?
Dog Adoption Questions
Why do you want a dog?
How will your dog be confined on your property?
How will you provide exercise for your dog?
What training are you willing to provide for your dog?
How will you correct your dog if it misbehaves or is destructive?
How much do you think it takes to support a dog?
Cat Adoption Questions
Why do you want a cat?
Will this cat be allowed outdoors? If yes, how will you protect it from harm?
Will this cat be declawed?
What will you do if your cat shows destructive behavior?
How much do you think it takes to support a cat?
All Adoption Questions
Have you decided on the animal that you want to adopt? If yes, what is there name?
Why this animal?
Where will you keep this animal during the daytime?
Where will you keep this animal at night?
How long will this animal be alone each day?
Will you be willing to work with the animal to adjust, or to provide basic training to the animal?
What behaviors will be unacceptable to you? How would you correct these behaviors?
What will you do with your animal when you're on vacation or have to leave your home for extended periods?
What would cause you to give up an animal?
Signature (firma)
Date (fecha)
Should be Empty: