SSBC Fabricator Partnership Request Form
Please use this form to request assistance from AISC to connect your SSBC team with local fabricators. AISC will provide you with a list of contact information for AISC Member Fabricators in your area, as well as a letter template to assist in your solicitation request.
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
e.g. Student, Team Captain, Faculty Advisor, etc.
School Name
School Zip Code
How would you classify your SSBC team?
ASCE Student Chapter
AISC Student Club
ASCE Student Conference Region with which your school is affiliated
1.1: Upstate New York - Canada Student Conference
1.2: Northeast Student Conference
1.3: Metropolitan Student Conference
2.1: Mid-Atlantic West Student Conference
2.2: Mid-Atlantic East Student Conference
3.1: Western Great Lakes Student Conference
3.2: Eastern Great Lakes Student Conference
4.1: Indiana-Kentucky (IN-KY) Student Conference
4.2: Mid-South Student Conference
4.3: Virginias Student Conference
4.4: Carolinas Student Conference
5.1: Gulf Coast Student Conference
5.2: Southeast Student Conference
6: ASCE Region 6 Student Conference
7.1: Rocky Mountain Student Conference
7.2: Mid-America Student Conference
8.1: Pacific Northwest Student Conference
8.2: Intermountain Southwest Student Conference
9.1: Mid-Pacific Student Conference
9.2: Pacific Southwest Student Conference
Not Applicable
Please list the fabricator(s) you will be contacting:
Do you have a plan of action for your ask?
e.g. Do you already have a point of contact? Will you email or call? Please provide details above. If you do not have a plan, AISC can assist you.
How would you like your local fabricator to assist your SSBC team? Please check all that apply.
Donate materials for my bridge
Monetary contribution to offset expenses such as materials, other equipment, shop training, and/or travel to the regional and national competitions.
Volunteer at the Regional Competition
Assist in fabrication services for bridge (Students are encouraged to maximize their involvement in fabrication!)
Guidance on bridge constructability and cost
Visit a class or club meeting to give a guest lecture & presentation about steel fabrication
Provide a tour of their fabrication shop
Please provide any additional information or comments below:
Should be Empty: