JCUMC facilities and resources are used by many groups throughout the day. In order to ensure availability of resources for ministry, we require that groups reserve rooms using this form in advance of their event. Please provide as much information as possible in order to expedite the processing of your request.
This form is submitted directly to the Scheduling Coordinator, Dawn Keller, dkeller@johnscreekumc.org, who allocates space and resources based on the type of event, your relationship with the church, and other factors. Please submit requests for facilities and resources at least 2 business days in advance. This form is the only means of making a facilities use request.
After your request is processed, you will receive a confirmation of your reservation. If there are any questions or we need to discuss your request, Ms. Keller will contact you.
Note: outside groups or individuals who do not have an existing relationship with JCUMC may be asked to complete additional application materials. Please contact George Wilson, Business Administrator, gwilson@johnscreekumc.org.