I know the name of the fund I want my gift directed toward.
Please select one of the following options or contact BRCF to help you direct your gift:
I want to search by an area of interest e.g. scholarship fund, nonprofit organization, fund that supports the arts, etc.
I want to search by an alphabetical listing of funds.
I want my gift to support community needs as they arise. Please direct my gift accordingly.
NEW OPTION - you can now explore the various types of funds held at BRCF before making a donation decision and give directly to a fund by visiting the Give To A Cause section of our website.
I want to make a gift for Shelby County Placemaking as part of the GIFT VIII match. I understand my gift will be matched 1:1 as part of this opportunity.
I want to make a gift during BRCF's Together We Give Match Campaign benefiting the BRCF Scholar Alumni Alliance Fund.
Name of Fund
Agency/Designated Giving Options
Alice Cheney Fund for First Baptist Church
Arthur M. Thurston Family Fund for Town Hall
Blue River Youth Choir Fund
Bonnie Steffey Arts and Culture Fund
Borinstein Family Memorial Fund
Boy Scouts of Shelby County Fund
Boys Club Martin and Mary Schultz Fund
Boys Club Non-Permanent Fund
BRF Town Hall Building Fund
Briley Heritage Fund for Trinity United Methodist Church
Chin-Sang Kidman Fund for MH Imaging Center
Early Learning Infant & Toddler Childcare Facility Fund
Early Learning Shelby County Fund
Elaine and Bill Haehl Endowment for BRCF Operations
First Christian Church Disciples of Christ of Shelbyville, IN
Girl Scout Non-Permanent Fund of Shelby Co.
Girls Inc. Agency Endowment Fund (Schultz)
Girls Inc. Designated Endowment
Grover Center Museum & Historical Society Agency Fund
Healthy Shelby County Community Project Fund
Herbert B. DePrez Library Fund
James H. Nail Trust for Major Hospital
Jason C. Chenoweth Endowment for Outreach Fund
Jody's Kids
John C. and Martha Jane DePrez Fund
John L. Tindall Trust for Major Hospital
Josh Montgomery Fund
Library Enrichment Fund
Lorita Crafton Endowment to Benefit BRCF Operations
Louis and Mary Peduto Scholarship
Mac and Ruth McClanahan Fund (for D.A.R.E)
Mainstreet Shelbyville, Inc. Fund
Marietta United Methodist Church Fund Benefiting the Marietta Community Volunteer Fire Department
Martha Ford Soller Scholarship Fund
Matt Branson Fund
Mildred McCrea Designated Fund
Mildred Sandman Fund (First Baptist Church)
Monna Linne Memorial Nurse of the Year Award
Morris and Helen Tobin Fund
Morristown Methodist Church, Inc. Designated Fund
Paul & Gertrude Zike Trust for the Morristown Methodist Church, Inc. Fund
Personnel Management Inc. Fund
Psi Iota Xi General Fund
Robert Edward Elliott, Jr. Fund to Benefit the Shelbyville Fire Department
Roger A. Shaw Memorial Fund
Salvation Army Fund
Sandy Allen Memorial Fund for Girls Inc.
Scott and Gay Mullins Fund for Salvation Army
SCUFFY Agency Operating Endowment
SCUFFY DePrez Agency Endowment
SCUFFY Designated Endowment
SCUFFY Designated Operating Endowment
SCUFFY Joseph Agency Endowment
SCUFFY Price Trust Designated Endowment
SCUFFY Schultz Trust Designated Endowment
Shares Inc. for Shelby County
Shelby Co. Cancer Association Fund
Shelby Co. Extension Homemakers WBBC
Shelby Co. Meals on Wheels, Inc. Fund
Shelby Co. Players Endowment Fund
Shelby Co. Young Professionals Fund
Shelby Co. Youth Assistance Program Fund
Shelby Eastern FFA Fund
Shelby Senior Services Fund
Shelbyville Central Education Foundation Fund
Shelbyville - Shelby Co. Public Library Foundation Fund
Southwestern Schools Academic Fund
Timothy M. Hauk Fund for Shares Inc. of Shelby County
Todd Welty Memorial Fund for Triton Central High School FFA
Turning Point Fund
VASIA of Shelby County Fund
Zane Meltzer Fund (SMS Tennis program)
Arts + Culture Giving Options
Bonnie Steffey Arts and Culture Fund
BRCF Public Art & Placemaking Maintenance Fund
Carol Finkel Scholarship Fund
Herbert B. and Lillian N. DePrez Opera Education Fund
Kids In the Summer by Kid Quill Fund
Marks-DePrez Community Arts Fund
Roger A. Shaw Memorial Fund
SC Extension Homemakers WBBC
Shelby County Placemaking Fund (GIFT VIII)
Shelby County Players Endowment Fund
Community Granting Options
Amy Haacker Family Fund
Baker Family Fund
Betsy & John Stephen Family Fund
Bice & Alice Williams and Rob & Rita Gearhart Family Fund
Bill & Martha Bird and Bill & Mary Jane McLoughlin Family Fund
Bill Garrett Community Fund
Blue River Foundation Endowment
Bob & Sue Wortman Fund
BRCF Memorial Fund
BRCF Youth Philanthropy Council Endowment Fund
Bridge the Gap Fund
Brent and Jan Sandman Fund
BRF Community Impact Fund
Butterfly Fund in Memory of Bronda Vierling
Carol Jean & Floyd Cooper Family Fund
Claxton Family Fund
Dalton Family Fund
Dan & Beth Case Fund
Dana & Bill Sherwood Fund
David S. & Betty J.Z. Tomeo Community Fund
Denny & DeLane Ramsey Family Fund
DePrez Family Fund
Don & Alice Clapp Fund
Don & Shirley Collins Family Fund
Dream Big Fund for Lynne Ensminger
Ewing Family Fund
Gerline Family Fund
Haehl Family Fund
Hensley Family Fund
Jacquelyn Joseph Fund
James and Marjorie Sly Fund
Jane A. Kuhn and Norman W. Kuhn Family Fund
Jeff & Donna Beaty Fund
Joseph & Marjorie Risley Family Fund
Joyce & Dale Jones Family Fund
Judy & Greg Montgomery Fund
Julia C.Runnebohm Memorial Fund
Justin Robert Barrick Fund
Kenneth & Gail Zauss Family Fund
Larry & Donna Sandman Community Fund
Lemmon Fund
Leon & Mary Ann Beaty Fund
Lori & Timonthy Tennell Family Fund
Luke 6:38
Major and Carla Gross Memorial Fund
Marshal and Marie Shaw Fund
McCrea Family Fund
Merritt-Head Family Fund
Michael & Dawn Whitfield Family Fund
Michael & Wendy Stephenson Fund
Morris L. Rose and Mary F. Rose Fund
Nathan Runnebohm Family Fund
New Life Legacy Fund
Nolley and Eaton Family Fund
Nolting Family Fund
Northeastern Hometown Community Fund
Northwestern Hometown Community Fund
Paul & Ruth Kessler Memorial Fund
Phil and Nancy Brown Family Fund
Phyllis Gerline Fund
Plymate Family Fund
Raymond Beck Memorial Fund
Robert D. & Phyllis Ann Ellison Fund
Ron and Joyce Cummings Community Fund
Ross Family Fund
Scott and Susan Furgeson Community Fund
Sharp Trophies By Mack/Bowen Family Fund
Showers Family Fund
Southwestern Hometown Community Fund
Spiegel Family Fund
Stafford & Asher Family Fund
The Fund In Honor of Shelbyville's Past & Future Democratic Mayors
Thomas N. & Charles S. Rosenfield Fund
Three Sisters Books Fund
Thurston Family Fund
Tobin Family Fund
Tom Hession Memorial Fund
Vaught Family Fund
Veanna J. & Gerald F. Kessler Family Fund
Virginia & Sherman Williams Memorial Fund
Waldron Area Hometown Community Fund
Wayne and Sue Coil Family Fund
Donor-Advised Giving Options
Beaty/C-Tech Fund
Beaty/C-Tech Permanent Fund
Ben Ernstes Community Fund
Caldwell/Muegge Family Fund
DAM Fund
Edward J. & Naomi I. Plunkett and Robert E. & Mary E. Plunkett Fund
GLC Acres Fund
Marietta United Methodist Church
McNeely Family Fund
Mings Fund for Health Through Cycling
Rob and Cathy Morgan Fund
Sara Tucker Memorial Fund
Steve and Lisa Bridges Fund
Wortman Family Fund
Health Giving Options
Blue River Fdn. Mental Health & Wellness Fund
Chin-Sang Kidman Fund for MHP Imaging Center
Healthy Shelby County Community Project Fund
Hospice of Shelby Co. Fund
Hugs and Kisses Fund
James H. Nail Trust for Major Hospital
Jina Lea Meyer Memorial Fund
John L. Tindall Trust for Major Hospital
Michael Todd Gahimer Memorial Trust
Mings Fund for Healthy Lifestyles Through Outdoor Experiences
Mona Linne Memorial Nurse of the Year Fund
Our Hospice of South Central Indiana Fund
Pancreatic Cancer Assistance Fund
Shelby Co. Cancer Association Fund
Shelby Co. Free Clinic Fund
Shelby Co. Public AED Fund
Stephen Simmons Fund
Hunger/Emergency Assistance Giving Options
Help for Homeless in Shelby Co. Fund
Laura Sly-Pilk Empowerment Fund
Salvation Army Fund
Scott and Gay Mullins Fund for Salvation Army
Shelby Co. Disaster Recovery Fund
Shelby Co. Pantry Pals
Shelby Co. Public AED Fund
Shelby Co. Youth Shelter Fund
Recreation/ Animals/ Environment/ Historic Preservation/Other Giving Options
Access to Recreation Fund
Bears of Blue River Festival Fund
BRCF Public Art & Placemaking Maintenance Fund
Caring Fund for Animals
City of Shelbyville Downtown Beautification Fund
City of Shelbyville Storm Water Project Fund
Forest Hill Cemetery Safe Trails Fund
Founders Fund for Recreation
Fred and Alta Ropp Swinford Fund
Historical Preservation Fund for Shelby Co.
Joseph and Laura Plymate Fund for Beautification
Meltzer Woods Preservation Fund
POP! / Protect Our Planet! Fund
Norman Willey Beautification Fund
Shelbyville Parks Recreate Recreation Fund
Senior Citizens Benefit Fund
The Endowment for Quality Places and Spaces for Shelby County Fund
W.E. (Bill) Cunningham Fund
Women's Fund of Shelby County
Scholarship Giving Options
Amanda Zook Memorial Scholarship
Arthur and Hazel McKenney Scholarship
Arthur M. Thurston Franklin College Scholarship
Blue River Community Foundation's Scholar Alumni Alliance Scholarship
Blue River Dental Scholarship
Brent C. Warnecke Memorial Scholarship
Carol Browning Memorial Scholarship
Carwein Family Elementary Education Scholarship Fund
Charles Sindlinger Scholarship
Chester G. and Mildred M. Sandman Scholarship
Chin-Snag/Kidman Scholarship
Christopher Graham Spear Memorial Scholarship
Chuck and Jeremy Miller Scholarship
City of Shelbyville Scholarship
Class of 1960 Waldron High School Scholarship
Daniel and Emma Avery Scholarship
Daniel F. and John R. Hayes Scholarship
David & Katherine Platt Scholarship
David Boyd Memorial Scholarship
Delta Theta Tau Scholarship
Dorine Wolsiefer Business Scholarship
Dr. Joseph & Carolyn Moheban Scholarship for the Medical Field
Dr. Nancy Dayhoff RN Advancement in Nursing Scholarship
Dr. Phyllis J. Fleming Ph.D. Scholarship
Dr. V. Brown Scott and Harold McWilliams Scholarship
Duba Memorial Scholarship
English Family Scholarship Fund
Fallen Officer Memorial Fund
First Christian Church Dale McDaniel Memorial Scholarship
Floyd and Mildred Wagoner Scholarship
Gene and Kay Dellekamp Scholarship
George E. Kent Scholarship Fund
Golden Bear Booster Club Scholarship
Hugh & Barbara Leary Memorial Scholarship
Jacob James Integrity Scholarship
J. Herbert Wisker Scholarship
J.S. "Sid" Glasson Scholarship
James D. McKinney Scholarship
James Peck Memorial Scholarship
Jamie and Janet Orem Scholarship Fund
Janet Wortman Scholarship Fund
Jim and Betty Tower Memorial Scholarship for Family Practice
Joe and Ruth Landwerlen Scholarship
John C. and Martha Jane DePrez Memorial Scholarship
John D. Haehl Scholarship
John F. Stickford Nursing Scholarship
John F. Werbe Scholarship
John Lee Scholarship
John R. and Rosamond Terry Page Scholarship
John R. Foltz Memorial Scholarship
Joseph and Laura Plymate Scholarship
Judith Erlewein Memorial/Morristown Lions Scholarship
Kathy Callahan Marcum Scholarship
Katie Ernstes Scholarship
Laura H. Billman Scholarship
Laura Sly-Pilk Memorial Scholarship
Lillian and Don Boles Memorial Scholarship
Linda L. Landwerlen Scholarship
Lorita Crafton Scholarship
Louis and Mary J. Abstine Scholarship
Margaret M. Feathers Scholarship
Majorie L. McNamara Scholarship
Mark W. Williams Memorial Scholarship
Martha Ford Soller Scholarship
Martin Schultz Scholarship
Marvin & Cecila Boring Family Scholarship
Mary Platt Oxford Teaching Scholarship
Maurice T. Cherry Family Scholarship
Morris and Helen Tobin Scholarship
Morristown Chapter#316 Order of the Eastern Star Scholarship
Morristown High School Alumni Association Scholarship
Nolan T. Parker Scholarship
Nolting Family Scholarship
Norman R. Willey Educational/Nursing Scholarship
Patricia Ogden Scholarship Fund
Paul and Velta Harrell Memorial Scholarship
Paul Goble Scholarship
Philip Wiseman Scholarship
Psi Iota Xi Education Award/Scholarship
Purdue Booster Scholarship
Rachel M. Harding Memorial Scholarship
Rick G. Bartlett Memorial Scholarship
Robert Edward Elliott, Jr. Memorial Scholarship
Robert J. and Janet L. Joesten Scholarship
Robert Zimny Football Scholarship
Rotary Club of Shelbyville Scholarship
Runnebohm Construction Scholarship
Russel and Alecia Gross Scholarship
Ryan Fischer Memorial Scholarship
SCS Board of Trustess Scholarship
SCUFFY Scholarship
Shelby County Legacy Scholarship
Shelbyville Central Education Foundation Scholarship
Shelbyville Lions Club Scholarship
Southwestern Consolidated School Scholarship
Speedway Solar Landowner Scholarship
Taylor University Scholarship
Tom Hession Baseball Scholarship
Tom Howley Triton Central Paw Club Scholarship
Tri Kappa Shelbyville Gamma Delta Chapter Scholarship
TYAA Rick Balish Scholarship
Velma Wortman Scholarship
Victoria Beyer Memorial Scholarship
Waldron Class of 1971 Scholarship
Wanda Hindman Memorial Nursing Scholarship
Willard & Naomi Maxwell Day and Herbert & Evelyn Day Scholarship
Willard E. Hensley American Legion Post 102 Fund
William and Patricia Ogden Scholarship Fund
William Roland Stine Scholarship
Women's Scholarship
Special Giving Opportunities
Memorial Brick Corner
Pewter Ornament
Youth & Education Giving Options
Boy Scouts of Shelby County Fund
Boys Club Martin and Mary Schultz Fund
BRCF Youth Philanthropy & Leadership Fund
Bueford and Caryl Loper Robbins Fund
Carol Finkel Scholarship Fund
Chase Hubler Memorial Fund
Cindy and Steve Leahy Endowment for Muscial Education Fund
Cheerleader of the Year Fund
Donald S. and Frances M. Henry Fund
Dr. Milton M. Wells Memorial Fun
Early Learning Shelby County Fund
ESL for Students and Adults Fund
Girl Scout Non-Permanent Fund of Shelby County
Girls Inc. Agency Endowment Fund (Schultz)
Girls Inc. Designated Endowment
Great Grants for Teachers Fund
H.E.R.S. Fund
Herbert B. and Lillian N. DePrez Opera Education Fund
Herbert B. DePrez Library Fund
Higgins Family Teacher Development Fund
Hugs and Kisses Fund
Jody's Kids
John C. and Martha Jane DePrez Fund
Josh Montgomery Fund
Kids In the Summer by Kid Quill Fund
Library Enrichment Fund
Martha Ford Soller Scholarship Fund
Morristown Boys and Girls Youth Endowment Fund
Otto W. Harris Memorial Fund
Paul and Vetta Harrell Memorial Youth Fund
Personnel Management Inc. Fund
Robert J. and Janet L. Joesten IN Girls/Boys State Fund
Roger A. Shaw Memorial Fund
Sandy Allen Memorial Fund
Shelby County Imagination Library and Reading Enrichment Fund
Shelby County Life Long Learning Fund
Shelby Eastern Education Foundation Fund
Shelbyville Central Schools Education Foundation Fund
Shelbyville - Shelby County Public Library Foundation Fund
Triton Central Schools Fund
Waldron Alumni Academic Fund
Willard E. Hensley American Legion Post 102 Fund
Youth Educational Memorial Fund in Remembrance of Ann Hey Davis and Emily Hey Alvis Fund
Zane Meltzer Fund
Alphabetical Listing of Funds
Access to Recreation Fund
Albert R. Keaton and May Keaton Memorial Fund
Alice Cheney Fund for First Baptist Church
Amanda Zook Memorial Scholarship Fund
Amy Haacker Family Fund
Arthur and Hazel McKenney Scholarship Fund
Arthur M. Thurston Family Fund for Town Hall
Arthur M. Thurston Franklin College Scholarship Fund
Baker Family Fund
Bears of Blue River Festival Fund
Beaty/C-Tech Non-Permanent Fund
Beaty/C-Tech Permanent Fund
Ben Ernstes Community Fund
Betsy & John Stephen Family Fund
Bice & Alice Williams and Rob & Rita Gearhart Family Fund
Bill & Martha Bird and Bill & Mary Jane McLoughlin Family Fund
Bill Garrett Community Fund
Blue River Community Foundation's Scholar Alumni Alliance Scholarship Fund
Blue River Dental Scholarship
Blue River Fdn. Endowment
Blue River Fdn. Immediate Response NP Fund
Blue River Fdn. Memorial Fund
Blue River Fdn. Mental Health & Wellness Fund
Blue River Fdn. Operating End.
Blue River Youth Choir Fund
Blue River Fdn. Youth Philanthropy & Leadership Fund
BRCF Public Art & Placemaking Maintenance Fund
Bob and Sue Wortman Fund
Bonnie Steffey Arts and Culture Fund
Borinstein Family Memorial Fund
Boys Club Martin and Mary Schulz Fund
Boy Scouts of Shelby County Fund
BRCF Public Art & Placemaking Maintenance Fund
Brent and Jan Sandman Fund
Brent C. Warnecke Memorial Scholarship Fund
BRF Town Hall Building
Bridge the Gap Fund
Briley Heritage Fund for Trinity United Methodist Church
Bueford and Caryl Loper Robbins Fund
Butterfly Fund in Memory of Bronda Vierling
Caldwell Family Fund
Caring Fund for Animals
Carol Browning Memorial Scholarship Fund
Carol Finkel Scholarship Fund
Carol Jean & Floyd Cooper Family Fund
Carwein Family Elementary Education Scholarship Fund
Charles Sindlinger Scholarship Trust
Chase Hubler Memorial Fund
Cheerleader of the Year Fund
Chester G. and Mildred M. Sandman Scholarship Fund
Chin-Sang/Kidman Fund for M. H. Imaging Center
Chin-Sang/Kidman Scholarship Fund
Christopher Graham Spear Memorial Scholarship Fund
Chuck and Jeremy Miller Scholarship Fund
Cindy and Steve Leahy Endowment for Musical Education Fund
City of Shelbyville Downtown Beautification Fund
Class of 1960 Waldron High School Endowment Fund
Class of 1960 Waldron High School Nonpermanent Fund
Claxton Family Fund
Dalton Family Fund
DAM Fund
Dan & Beth Case Fund
Dana & Bill Sherwood Fund
Daniel and Emma Avery Scholarship Trust
Daniel F. & John R. Hayes Scholarship Fund
David & Katherine Platt Scholarship Fund
David Boyd Memorial Scholarship Fund
David S. and Betty J.Z. Tomeo Community Fund
Delta Theta Tau (Zeta Lambda Chapter) Scholarship
Denny & DeLane Ramsey Family Fund
DePrez Family Community Fund
Donald S. and Frances M. Henry Fund
Don and Alice Clapp Fund
Don and Shirley Collins Family Fund
Dorine Wolsiefer Business Scholarship Fund
Dream Big Fund for Lynne Ensminger
Dr. Joseph & Carolyn Moheban Scholarship for the Medical Field
Dr. Milton M. Wells Memorial Fund
Dr. Nancy Dayhoff RN Advancement in Nursing Scholarship Fund
Dr. Phyllis J. Fleming Ph. D. Scholarship Fund
Dr. V. Brown Scott and Harold McWilliams Scholarship Fund
Duba Memorial Scholarship Fund
Early Learning Infant & Toddler Childcare Facility Fund
Early Learning Shelby County Fund
Edward J. and Naomi I. Plunkett and Robert E. and Mary E. Plunkett Fund
Elaine and Bill Haehl Endowment for BRCF Operations
English Family Scholarship Fund
ESL for Students and Adults Fund
Ewing Family Fund
Fallen Officer Memorial Fund
First Christian Church Dale McDaniel Memorial Scholarship
First Christian Church Disciples of Christ of Shelbyville, IN
Floyd and Mildred Wagoner Scholarship Fund
Forest Hill Cemetery Safe Trails Fund
Founders Fund for Recreation
Fred and Alta Ropp Swinford Fund
Gene and Kay Dellekamp Scholarship Fund
George E. Kent Scholarship Fund Trust
Gerline Family Fund
Girl Scout NP Fund of Shelby County
Girls Inc. Agency Endowment Fund (Schulz)
Girls Inc. Designated Endowment
GLC Acres Fund
Golden Bear Booster Club Scholarship
Great Grants For Teachers Fund
Grover Center Museum & Historical Society Fund
Haehl Family Fund
Healthy Shelby County Community Project Fund
Help for Homeless in Shelby County Fund
Hensely Family Fund
Herbert B. and Lillian N. DePrez Opera Education Fund
Herbert B. DePrez Library Fund
H.E.R.S. (Helena Ermadell Reinhardt Stine) Fund
Higgins Family Education Development Fund
Historic Preservation Fund for Shelby County
Hospice of Shelby County Fund
Hugh & Barbara Leary Memorial Scholarship Fund
Hugs and Kisses Fund
Jacob James Integrity Scholarship Fund
Jacquelyn Joseph Fund
James and Marjorie Sly Fund
James D. McKinney Scholarship Fund
James H. Nail Trust for Major Hospital
James Peck Memorial Scholarship Fund
Jamie and Janet Orem Scholarship Fund
Jane A. Kuhn and Norman W. Kuhn Family Fund
Janet Wortman Scholarship Fund
Jason C. Chenoweth Endowment for Outreach Fund
Jeff and Donna Beaty Fund
J. Herbert Wisker Scholarship Fund
Jim & Betty Tower Memorial Scholarship for Family Practice
Jina Lea Meyer Memorial Fund
Jody's Kids
Joe and Ruth Landwerlen Scholarship Fund
John C. & Martha Jane DePrez Fund
John C. & Martha Jane DePrez Memorial Scholarship Fund
John D. Haehl Scholarship Fund
John F. Stickford Nursing Scholarship Fund
John F. Werbe Scholarship Fund
John Lee Scholarship Fund
John L. Tindall Trust for Major Hospital
John R. and Rosamond Terry Page Scholarship Fund
John R. Foltz Memorial Scholarship Fund
Joseph and Laura Plymate Fund for Beautification
Joseph and Laura Plymate Scholarship Fund
Joseph and Marjorie Risley Family Fund
Josh Montgomery Fund
Joyce and Dale Jones Family Fund
J. S. "Sid" Glasson Scholarship Trust
Judith Erlewein Memorial/Morristown Lions Scholarship Fund
Judy and Greg Montgomery Fund
Julia C. Runnebohm Memorial Fund
Justin Robert Barrick Fund
Karol Carwein Elementary Education Scholarship
Katie Ernstes Scholarship Fund
Kathy Callahan Marcum Scholarship Fund
Kenneth & Gail Zauss Family Fund
Kids In the Summer by Kid Quill Fund
Larry and Donna Sandman Community Fund
Larry and Donna Sandman Scholarship Fund
Laura H. Billman Scholarship Trust
Laura Sly-Pilk Empowerment Fund
Laura Sly-Pilk Memorial Scholarship Fund
Lemmon Fund
Leon and Mary Ann Beaty Fund
Library Enrichment Fund
Lillian and Don Boles Memorial Scholarship
Linda L. Landwerlen Scholarship
Lori & Timothy Tennell Family Fund
Lorita Crafton Endowment to Benefit BRCF Operations
Lorita Crafton Scholarship Fund
Louis and Mary J. Abstine Scholarship Trust
Louis and Mary Peduto Scholarship
Luke 6:38 Fund
Major and Carla Gross Memorial Fund
Mac and Ruth McClanahan Fund
Mainstreet Shelbyville, Inc. Fund
Margaret M. Feathers Scholarship Fund
Marietta United Methodist Church Fund Benefiting the Marietta Community Volunteer Fire Department
Marietta United Methodist Church Fund
Marjorie L. McNamara Scholarship Fund
Marks-DePrez Community Arts Fund
Mark W. Williams Memorial Scholarship Fund
Marshal and Marie Shaw Fund
Martha Ford Soller Scholarship Fund
Martin Schulz Scholarship Trust
Marvin & Ceclia Boring Scholarship Fund
Mary Platt Oxford Teaching Scholarship Trust
Matt Branson Scholarship Fund
Maurice T. Cherry Family Scholarship Fund
McCrea Family Fund
McNeely Family Fund
Meltzer Woods Preservation Fund
Merritt-Head Family Fund
Michael & Dawn Whitfield Family Fund
Michael & Wendy Stephenson Fund
Michael Todd Gahimer Memorial Trust
Mildred McCrea Designated Fund
Mildred Sandman Fund
Mings Fund for Health Through Cycling
Monna Linne Memorial Nurse of the Year Fund
Morris and Helen Tobin Fund
Morris and Helen Tobin Scholarship Fund
Morris L. Rose and Mary F. Rose Fund
Morristown Alumni Association Scholarship Fund
Morristown Boys & Girls Youth Endowment Fund
Morristown Chapter #316 Order of the Eastern Star Scholarship
Morristown Methodist Church, Inc. Designated Fund
Nathan Runnebohm Family Fund
New Life Legacy Fund
Nolan T. Parker Scholarship
Nolley and Eaton Family Fund
Nolting Family Fund
Nolting Family Scholarship Fund
Norman R. Willey Education/Nursing Scholarship Fund
Norman Willey Beautification Fund
Northeastern Hometown Community Fund
Northwestern Hometown Community Fund
Otto W. Harris Memorial Fund
Pancreatic Cancer Assistance Fund
Paul and Gertrude Zike Trust for the Morristown Methodist Church, Inc. Fund
Paul Goble Scholarship Fund
Paul & Ruth Kessler Memorial Fund
Paul & Velta Harrell Memorial Scholarship Fund
Paul & Velta Harrell Memorial Youth Fund
Personnel Management, Inc. Fund
Phil and Nancy Brown Family Fund
Philip Wiseman Scholarship Fund
Phyllis Gerline Fund
Plymate Family Fund
POP! / Protect Our Planet! Fund
Psi Iota Xi Education Award Scholarship Fund
Purdue Booster Scholarship Fund
Rachel M. Harding Memorial Scholarship Fund
Raymond Beck Memorial Fund
Richard and Janet Schoentrup Fund
Rick G. Bartlett Memorial Scholarship Fund
Rob and Cathy Morgan Fund
Robert D. and Phyllis Ann Ellison Fund
Robert Edward Elliott, Jr. Memorial Scholarship Fund
Robert J.& Janet L. Joesten IN Girls/Boys State Fund
Robert J. and Janet L. Joesten Scholarship Fund
Robert Zimny Football Scholarship Fund
Roger A. Shaw Memorial Fund
Ron and Joyce Cummings Community Fund
Rotary Club of Shelbyville Scholarship Fund
Ross Family Fund
Runnebohm Construction Scholarship Fund
Russell and Alecia Gross Scholarship Fund
Ryan Fischer Memorial Scholarship
Salvation Army Fund
Sara Tucker Memorial Fund
Scott and Gay Mullins Fund for Salvation Army
Scott and Susan Furgeson Community Fund
SCS Board of Trustees Scholarship Fund
SCUFFY Agency Operating Endowment Fund
SCUFFY DePrez Agency Endowment
SCUFFY Designated Endowment
SCUFFY Designated Operating Endowment Fund
SCUFFY - Joseph Agency Endowment Fund
SCUFFY - Price Trust Designated Endowment Fund
SCUFFY Scholarship Fund
SCUFFY - Schulz Trust Designated Endowment Fund
Senior Citizens Benefit Fund
Shares Inc. for Shelby County Fund
Sharp Trophies By Mack/Bowen Family Fund
Shelby County Cancer Assoc. Fund
Shelby County Disaster Recovery Fund
Shelby County Extension Homemakers WBBC
Shelby County Free Clinic Fund
Shelby County Imagination Library & Reading Enrichment Fund
Shelby County Legacy Scholarship
Shelby County Life Long Learning Fund
Shelby County Meals on Wheels, Inc. Fund
Shelby County Pantry Pals
Shelby County Placemaking Fund (GIFT VIII)
Shelby County Players Endowment Fund
Shelby County Public AED Fund
Shelby County Youth Assistance Program Fund
Shelby County Youth Shelter Fund
Shelby Eastern Education Foundation Fund
Shelby Senior Services Fund
Shelbyville Central Schools Education Foundation Fund
Shelbyville Central Schools Education Foundation Scholarship Fund
Shelbyville Lions Club Scholarship Fund
Shelbyville Parks Recreate Recreation Fund
Shelbyville-Shelby County Public Library Foundation Fund
Senior Citizens Benefit Fund
Showers Family Fund
Southwestern Hometown Community Fund
Southwestern Schools Academic Fund
Speedway Solar Landowner Scholarship Fund
Spiegel Family Fund
Stafford & Asher Family Fund
Stephen Simmons Fund
Steve and Lisa Bridges Fund
Taylor University Scholarship Fund
The Endowment for Quality Places and Spaces for Shelby County Fund
The Fund In Honor of Shelbyville's Past & Future Democratic Mayors
The Sandy Allen Fund
Thomas N. and Charlene S. Rosenfeld Fund
Three Sisters Books Fund
Thurston Family Fund
Timothy M. Hauk Fund for Shares Inc. of Shelby County
Tobin Family Fund
Todd Welty Memorial Fund for Triton Central High School FFA
Tom Hession Baseball Scholarship
Tom Hession Memorial Fund
Tom Howley Triton Central Paw Club Scholarship
Tri Kappa Shelbyville Gamma Delta Chapter Scholarship
Triton Central Schools Fund
Turning Point Fund
TYAA Rick Balish Scholarship
VASIA of Shelby County Fund
Vaught Family Fund
Veanna J. and Gerald F. Kessler Family Fund
Velma Wortman Scholarship Fund
Victoria Beyer Memorial Scholarship Fund
Virginia & Sherman Williams Memorial Fund
Waldron Alumni Academic Fund
Waldron Area Hometown Community Fund
Waldron Class of 1971 Scholarship Fund
Walter and Edna Cuskaden Fund
Wanda Hindman Memorial Nursing Scholarship Fund
Wayne and Sue Coil Family Fund
W. E. (Bill) Cunningham Fund
Willard E. Hensley American Legion Post 102 Fund
Willard & Naomi Maxwell Day and Herbert & Evelyn Day Scholarship Fund
William and Patricia Ogden Scholarship Fund
William Roland Stine Scholarship Fund
Women's Fund of Shelby County
Women's Scholarship Fund
Wortman Family Fund
Youth Educational Memorial Fund in Remembrance of Ann Hey Davis and Emily Hey Alvis Fund
Zane Meltzer Fund
( X )
Donation Information
If you are splitting your gift among multiple causes, please define the gift amount designated for each cause in the comment box above.
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If yes, please type the name of the person(s) the gift is made in memory of:
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