Important Information About the Program
Please read the important information below before completing your registration.
Chakrasamvara Empowerment
There are no specific prerequisites to receive the Chakrasamvara Empowerment, however, students should at a minimum consider themselves Buddhist and have developed enlightenment thought.
Vajrayogini Blessing
In order to receive the Vajrayogini Blessing, one must have received a two-day major empowerment. The Chakrasamvara Empowerment is best, however, Hevajra and other two-day major empowerments are also acceptable. Single-day initiations do not meet this requirement.
Vajrayogini Cycle of Teachings
One must have received the Vajrayogini Blessing in order to be eligible for the Vajrayogini Cycle of Teachings.
Vajra Commitments
The Vajrayogini Blessing and cycle of teachings include daily commitments. Please review the commitments below and only proceed to sign up if you are ready to keep them.
Vajrayogini Blessing
Daily recitation of the mantra.
Vajrayogini Cycle of Teachings
Practice the long sadhana daily.
No Cancellations or Refunds
Please note that all registrations are final.
Availability Throughout the Program
For those planning to attend the Chakrasamvara and Vajrayogini empowerments and teachings, please arrange your schedule to be available in Walden the entire time from June 10-25. Do not make arrangements to travel away from Walden during this period or you may miss the empowerment into which you will be scheduled. Empowerment schedules are created under the direction of the Vajramaster the day before each empowerment begins.
What to Bring and What Not to Bring
Bring your vajra and bell. Please do not bring audio or video recording equipment as no individual audio or video recording will be allowed. Students wishing to have a copy of the teachings will be able to purchase a professionally recorded copy of the teachings for a reasonable price at the end of the teaching cycle.