In consideration of my receiving orientation and referral services and assessment for medical cannabis, I, the Client, agree as follows: //Purpose/Safety/Information// The purpose of this contract is to maintain a safe, controlled treatment plan. The information I am providing to Vida Verde Health Ltd. (hereinafter, "VV") and/or the associated health care practitioners (hereinafter, "HCP') is confidential & medical and identifying information and is for the purposes of data collection only. The information is intended to be a consolidated personal medical record as conveyed by me, of the my symptomatic, medical & personal histories to the clinical consultant. The medical cannabis educators, who will provide medical cannabis orientation to me, do not intend to communicate to me or my personal representative a diagnosis identifying a disease or disorder as the cause of my symptoms in which it could be implied or inferred, in any way, or, by any party, that I or my personal representative will rely on the diagnosis. The information collected may be utilized for review by a licensed health care practitioner or other licensed professional as deemed appropriate by me or VV within the territory of Canada. This agreement does not imply or otherwise guarantee in any way any medical outcome relating to controlled acts such as the prescribing of medicine. This agreement and any information collected during the consultancy process is retrieved via written & verbal consent from myself. Data collected within the consultancy process becomes & remains the property of VV for all intents and purposes within the scope of the respective acts regarding the use, dissemination and storage of Personal Health Information (PHI) in accordance with the Canadian Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, the Alberta Personal Information Protection Act, the British Columbia Personal Information Protection Act, the New Brunswick Personal Health Information Privacy and Access Act, the Newfoundland and Labrador Personal Health Information Act, the Nova Scotia Personal Information International Disclosure Act, Ontario Personal Health Information Protection Act, the Quebec Act Respecting the Protection of Personal Information in the Private Sector. That the assessment, diagnosis and possible treatment of my medical condition(s) with medical cannabis; that any inaccurate or false information given by me may adversely impact the HCP's ability to diagnose my condition and recommend appropriate treatment using medical cannabis and if so, the recommendation by the healthcare practitioner for medical cannabis may be revoked. //Last Resort/Compliance// I am asking for medical cannabis because other treatments and medications I have used have not provided relief of my symptoms and illness. It is unlikely that any medication will completely take away all of my symptoms, but for humane reasons, I understand that medical cannabis may be authorized for so long as my condition continues, if I follow the terms of this contract. If I fail to follow the terms of this contract, this will result in the discontinuation of medical cannabis authorizations and possible discharge from VV. I will only be discussing legal methods of obtaining medical cannabis in Canada. //Not Primary Care// I understand and acknowledge that while the assessing HCP may execute a declaration that I stand to potentially benefit from medical cannabis, the assessing HCP will not serve as a point of primary care. As such I agree to seek regular medical care from my primary care physician and that the assessing HCP will only deal with assessing his support for my medical cannabis use.// I also understand that the possible complications of treatment with medical marihuana (marihuana therapy) may include, but are not limited to the following: Chemical dependence (addiction), difficulty with urination, drowsiness, nausea, itching, slowed respiration, reduced sexual function, impaired motor function. If I take more medication than what is prescribed, a dangerous situation could result, such as coma, organ damage, or even death. I understand that if I run out of my medication too soon, or if my medication is stopped suddenly, I could experience uncomfortable or dangerous withdrawal symptoms. If I experience any serious side effects after ingesting cannabis, I will report to the nearest hospital emergency department.//For Women: If I become pregnant, there are known and unknown risks to the unborn child, which include addiction and the possibility of the baby experiencing withdrawal at birth. I am obligated to let my healthcare practitioners know if I am pregnant, and they will help me find ways of controlling my symptoms without cannabis. //Exclusivity/No Medicine Replacement:// I will inform VV about my medical cannabis use and all other related medications and side effects. During the period of the medical cannabis authorization obtained through VV, I will NOT contact any HCP who does not work for VV regarding medical cannabis. If it is found that I received a prescription for cannabis medications from a source other than VV, I will be discharged from VV and any prescriptions and authorizations for cannabis mediation will be discontinued. I agree to take the cannabis medication exactly as instructed by VV HCP. I am NOT allowed to change dosage amounts or alter the time schedule of taking the medication without talking to a VV HCP. I agree that VV will NOT replace any lost, stolen, or inaccessible cannabis medications or prescriptions for any reason.//Legal Duties/Renewal// I understand that it is my responsibility to stay informed regarding provincial, federal and local laws and regulations regarding the possession and use of medical cannabis. It is also my responsibility to ensure that a renewal appointment is made one month prior to the expiry of the current authorization. During my renewal appointment the nurse practitioner will reevaluate me for possible continuance of medical cannabis.//Benefits Test//I understand that the benefits of my medical cannabis consultation will be evaluated regularly using the following criteria of Symptom relief; Increase in general function; Increase in life activities; Reduction in pain or discomfort intensity levels; Absence of unacceptable side effects; Ability to work and maintain employment. Screening I agree to periodic urine screens for other medications and drugs if the VV HCP deems it appropriate.//NO Illegal Drugs, Resale, or Hoarding// I agree to the following: I am NOT currently abusing illicit or prescription drugs and; I am not undergoing treatment for substance dependence or abuse and; I have never been involved in the illegal sale, possession, or transport of drugs and; I will store all medical marihuana in a safe and secure manner away from children and; I will not hoard, sell or give away my medicine.//Privacy Policy//We at VV respect and value your privacy. We will collect, store or share information for the following purposes: To carry out the normal operations of our business, perform a service for you, to administer or coordinate your care or medication and to act upon your instructions. These uses may include but are not limited to discussing our services or answering your queries, processing or administering your connection with or communicating with your HCP or other Licensed Producers and maintaining proper records and this will serve as your consent and direction to your physician(s) and Licensed Producer (“LP”) or any substitute LP which we select to share information, medical use reports and accounting with us, including without limitation the Medical Document, as requested.// You agree to comply with legal, regulatory or insurance requirements, to comply with the terms of purchase and sale of all or substantially all of our business wherein the new entity, owner or operator will assume the responsibilities and rights we have in respect of this information, to create and/or provide data in a discrete manner and to serve you or to analyze and improve our services, and in all cases, employees are kept up to date with regard to the privacy and security practices of VV.//Release//I hereby release the assessing healthcare practitioner, his/her clinic, my family physician, and any other involved healthcare practitioners, clinical consultants, patient educators and VV administrative staff from any and all actions, claims, causes of actions, complaints and demands for damages, loss, or injury whatsoever arising, from anything at all, including by family, friends and representatives, whether directly or indirectly.//Understanding of Agreement Terms// This form has been fully explained to me or I have read it or have had it read to me, and I understand and agree to the terms of this contract. I certify that the information in this questionnaire is accurate and complete. If any part of this contract as outlined above is broken, I understand that it will result in my immediate discharge from VV and discontinuation of all medical cannabis authorizations.//Safety//Health Canada, the assessing healthcare practitioner and VV staff have advised me that: Using cannabis is prohibited while driving or performing hazardous tasks such as operating heavy machinery and; that people in safety-oriented occupations or supervising children should also be vigilant to avoid medicating inappropriately, based on their responsibilities and; Depending on dosage and administration, impairment can last over 24 hours following last usage.//Fee/Cancellation//VV is a medical patient referral service that charges a fee for services. To cancel an appointment, you must speak directly with one of the medical patient coordinators or clinical consultants. Cancellations by email or phone message will not be accepted. By initializing and/or submitting this form and/or signing this agreement, you affirm that all of the information in this Medical Cannabis Agreement is true and you agree to all of the agreements, acknowledgements, and terms hereof.