I declare and agree that:
1. The details given in this application are true and correct;
2. I am over 18 years of age;
3. My information will be collected and used in accordance with Primary Securities Ltd's privacy policy;
4. The information provided in the FATCA / CRS section may be disclosed to the Australian Taxation Office or any other government bodies, including bodies located overseas, to enable it to be reported and used in compliance with any FATCA or CRS regulations;
5. I will notify Primary Securities Ltd with any changes to the information provided by me and provide any futher information reasonably required by Primary Securities Ltd to comply with any obligation under the FATCA / CRS regulations within 30 days of such change in circumstances.
6. I have read and understood the current Information Memorandum or Product Disclosure Statement to which this application relates and agree to be bound by the Constitution governing the Trust;
7. I am not aware of and have no reason to suspect that the moneys used to fund our investment have been or will be derived from or realted to any money laundering, terrorism financing or similar illegal activities and that I will continue to comply with Australian anti money laundering and counter terrorism financing laws.
8. We acknowledge that the Trust is subject to investment risks, which could include delays in repayment, and loss of income and capital invested and that no member of Primary Securities Ltd, or any of its agents guarantees the performance of the Trust or any particular rate of return;
9. If signed under power of attorney, the attorney encloses a certified copy of the power of attorney and declares that he/she has not received notice of revocation of that power.
10.By typing my signature and sending it via the Internet, I acknowledge that I have read the Information Memorandum or Product Disclosure Statement and understand all information provided during the application process; that I intend Primary Securities Ltd to rely upon it; that I intend to be bound thereby; and that I understand and agree that my electronic signature is the equivalent of a manual written signature.