On this form, you can let the Parelli Foundation know how you are Paying It Forward for your Parelli Foundation Scholarship.
First Name
Last Name
Date of this Report
Date Picker Icon
What type of program at which you have volunteered? (Select all that apply)
Horse Welfare (Rescue or other)
Therapeutic Horsemanship
Other (please describe in comments below)
Comments (Describe Other from above)
Would you be willing to write a short social media post or story regarding your volunteer efforts, that we can share in our outreach?
Name of Program or Organization where you volunteered (First Program)
Email address or website of First Program where you volunteered
City, State, (and Country if outside United States) of Program or Organization where you volunteered.
Email or website of the First Program where you volunteered.
Period of time over which you volunteered, or dates if you can be that specific, for which you are reporting at this time
Hours volunteered during this period?
Name of Program or Organization where you volunteered (Second Program if you volunteered at more than one)
Email address or website of Second Program where you volunteered.
City, State, (and Country if outside United States) of Program or Organization where you volunteered.
Email or website of Second Program where you volunteered.
Period of time over which you volunteered, or dates if you can be that specific, for which you are reporting at this time
Hours volunteered during this period?
Name of Program or Organization where you volunteered (Third Program if you volunteered at more than two)
Email address or website of Third Program where you volunteered.
City, State, (and Country if outside United States) of Program or Organization where you volunteered.
Email or website of program Third Program where you volunteered.
Period of time over which you volunteered, or dates if you can be that specific, for which you are reporting at this time
Hours volunteered during this period?
Please tell us more about these volunteering experiences.
Upload a Great Photo that Shows your involvement in the Pay it Forward program.
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Upload a Great Photo that Shows your involvement in the Pay it Forward program.
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This link will not work for videos. See below.
Upload a Great Photo that Shows your involvement in the Pay it Forward program.
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This link will not work for videos. See below.
If You Would Like to Submit Video Footage of your Pay it Forward experience, enter links to the video here.
If you have a video to send, but you don't have a link, you may send the video to using the free version of .
Enter the message as it's shown
Should be Empty: