汽车索赔表格 (自己撞到)
Motor Claim Form (own damage)
Kindly complete this form and provide detailed and accurate information, so that we can handle your claim effectively
填写表格前,请先准备好以下资料 Please have the following ready before completing the form
事故细节 Info about the incident
您的个人资料 Info about the insured
驾驶者的驾照(照片) Photos of all drivers' licenses
汽车的车牌/行车证 (照片)Photos of registration # / License disc
汽车损毁照片 Photos of all damages
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受保人的资料 Info about the insured
车主/投保人/投保公司的英文姓名 Full name of owner / insured
您的联络号码 Your contact number
您的电邮地址 Your email address
汽车品牌和型号 Car make & model
汽车还能开,不会造成更多损毁?Can the car be driven without causing further damages?
是 Yes
不是 No
现在汽车的所在地址 Current location of your car
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驾驶者的资料 Info about the driver
驾驶者的英文姓名 Full name of the driver
驾驶者的联络号码 Contact number of the driver
驾驶者的驾照 Driver's license
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事故资料 Info about the incident
事发日期 Date of the incident
事发时间 Time of the incident
道路状况 Road condition
晴天 Clear sky
下雨 Rainy
大雾 Misty
黑暗 Dark
事发经过的详细内容 Detailed description of the incident
事发地点 Place of incident
有没有人受伤?Was anyone injured?
有 Yes
没有 No
有没有其他财产受到损毁?Any damages to other properties?
有 Yes
没有 No
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其他人的资料 Info about others
目击证人 (1)的英文姓名 Full name of witness 1
目击证人(1)的联络号码 Contact number of witness 1
目击证人 (2)的英文姓名 Full name of witness 2
目击证人(2)的联络号码 Contact number of witness 2
拖车公司的名字 Name of tow truck company
拖车公司的联络方式 Contact details of tow truck company
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照片 Photos
汽车损毁照片(可以选择多个档案) Photo of damages (multiple selection allowed)
上载多个档案 Upload multiple files
其他相关照片(可以选择多个档案) Other relevant photos (multiple selection allowed)
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宣言和签名 Declaration & signature
我在此确认以上资料正确无误,如果还有其他对保障有影响的额外资料,我会尽快提供给我的保险顾问和公司。I hereby declare the foregoing particular to be true in every aspect. If there are additional information that may have a material impact on the policy, I will inform my advisor and insurer as soon as possible
受保人的签名 Signature by the insured
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