This is not a reservation form.
Please complete your reservation before completing this form. You can make a troop camping reservation on the Troop Camping page of our website linked here.
This form is required to be completed by each troop camping at one of our campsites no later than 30 days before their camping date. If participants change prior to the trip, send an updated form with the new participants listed.
Troop leaders must have completed health forms for all participants when camping.
Please make sure to have completed trainings, memberships, and background checks prior to filling out this form.
All camp attendees must be registered Girl Scout members. This applies to youth and adults.
Please make sure to e-mail for approval if edits are submitted after two weeks prior to your camping date so that we can ensure everyone has time to be approved. Adults and Girl Scouts not listed on your Troop Camping Pre-Approval form will not be permitted at camp.