I agree that if selected, I will participate in the New Mexico Leadership Conference or Camp Facilitation Program.
I understand that I am taking on a different role at NMLC/camp. I am applying to serve others, not to go purely for my own enjoyment. By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read and agree to abide by the all responsibilities set forth as a NMLC/camp facilitator. I understand and agree that I will be asked to leave immediately if I conduct myself in an irresponsible manner, which includes the possession or use of tobacco, alcohol, illegal drugs or fireworks.
I will be expected to:
- Attend any facilitator training sessions (in person or zoom). I understand I will be dismissed if I am not able to complete any of the required training.
- Treat other peers with respect.
- Not bully fellow counselor/facilitators/facilitators or participate in roughhousing, horse-play, or hazing.
- Conduct myself as a positive role model and be responsible.
- Set a good example by not using profanity or telling off-color jokes, and stories.
- As an FFA member, not have in my possession tobacco, vape products, alcohol or illegal drugs.
- Not have possession of harmful objects without specific authorization from the conference/camp director, including but not limited to: knives of any kind (pocket, utility, etc.), lighters, matches, fireworks, explosives, firearms, weapons, etc. ü No pornography or other sexually oriented materials including nudity in visual or written materials including similar content.
- Be a responsible counselor/facilitator and ensure members/campers are provided guidance towards a safe and fun week.
- Ensure that all members/campers are supervised by counselor/facilitator staff at all times. Be sure that all members/campers know that they must remain on the conference/camp grounds at all times and are responsible for their behavior at all times.
- Get to know each of the members/campers personally and by name.
- See that all campers are involved in all activities. Make sure no one is excluded.
- Check for illness or injury, but don't make much of a "fuss" about minor things. Go with hurt or sick members/campers to the nurse/director no matter how minor the ailment.
- Never discipline a member/camper by ridicule or physical punishment; patience and understanding works best.
- Urge safety at all time. Take time to explain how and why to do something safely.
- Work as a team to plan, organize and conduct all camp activities
- Be flexible with counseling and adult staff.
- Participate in camp promotion, if asked.
- Follow leadership of camping program through adult advisors/volunteers/staff
- The following are for camp only:
- (camp only)Have all campers, including myself check in any of their medications with the nurse/camp staff.
- (camp only)Make sure each camper uses personal hygiene.
- (camp only)Make sure that all of my campers are familiar with camp facilities and camp rules
- Follow guidelines for lights out, and cabin supervision. Be in my cabin with my campers at all times between the hours of "Lights Out" and "Rise and Shine.”
I certify that the all the information being submitted is correct, and understand that failure to comply with these rules could result in probation, or loss of current/future conference/camp position(s).