HFLA Online Donation Form
Donor Name:
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Donor Address:
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Donor Phone Number:
Donor Email:
How much would you like to donate to HFLA today?
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Where would you like your donation to be designated to?
Please Select
General Fund
An existing Named Loan Fund
The ACCESS Student Loan Fund
Please provide the name of the loan fund you would like this donation designated to:
Please Select
Byron Aceman Loan Fund
Myra and Ernie Ackerman Memorial Loan Fund
Anonymous Friend of HFLA Loan Fund
Val & Iryna Arustamov Family Angel Loan Fund
At The Kitchen Table Foundation Loan Fund
Averbach Family Loan Fund
Howard Baker Endowment Loan Fund
David Barnett Family Loan Fund
Edith & Jack Barnett Memorial Loan Fund
Shirley Barnett Loan Fund
Irving Becker Memorial Loan Fund
Alice Belkin Memorial Loan Fund
Bernard I. Belkin Memorial Loan Fund
Elliot Belkin Memorial Loan Fund
Gerald Irving Belkin Memorial Loan Fund
Henry & Anna Belkin Loan Fund
Morris Belkin Memorial Loan Fund
Arthur Bell Memorial Loan Fund
Jack & Rose Bergson Memorial Loan Fund
Brian and Dalia Bressler Family Angel Loan Fund
Leon Broitman Family Loan Fund
Manny & Jimmy Brotman Memorial Loan Fund
Burquest Jewish Community Organization Loan Fund
Dr. Alvin & Ellen Cohen Loan Fund
Ann & Alex Cohen Foundation Loan Fund
Harvey & Jody Dales and Family Loan Fund
David & Dena Davis/Charles & Dora Davis Memorial Loan Fund
Ben & Esther Dayson Loan Fund
Helio Lopes Da Costa Loan Fund
Al Deyong Memorial Loan Fund
Diamond Foundation Angel Loan Fund
Charles Diamond Loan Fund
Gordon Diamond Loan Fund
Isabelle M. Diamond Loan Fund
Jack Diamond Memorial Loan Fund
Daniel & Michelle Dodek Family Loan Fund
Daniel & Michelle Dodek Angel Loan Fund
Judith Dodek Loan Fund
Mannie & Armelle Druker Loan Fund
Zebulon & Myer Franks Memorial Loan Fund
Irwin Garfield & Ruth Rudin Memorial Loan Fund
Jack & Martha Garfinkel Loan Fund
Joe & Bertha Ghert Memorial Loan Fund
Irving Grad Memorial Loan Fund
Bernard & Dorothy Green Loan Fund
Lorne Greenberg and Esther Chetner Family Fund
Anne Hanson 85th Birthday Loan Fund
Frank Herman Memorial Loan Fund
Jack & Sadie Herman of London, England Memorial Loan Fund
Gabriel & Shirley Hirsch and Family Angel Loan Fund
Louise Houta Wright Loan Fund
In Honour of our Parents Angel Loan Fund
Abraham James Memorial Loan Fund
Ralph & Barbara James Memorial Angel Loan Fund
Beatrice Jessiman Memorial Loan Fund
William and Rita Kagan Memorial Loan Fund
Marni and Jeremiah Katz Family Fund
Evelyn Kahn Loan Fund
Irving Kates Endowment Loan Fund
Katz Architecture Loan Fund
Dr. Terry & Carol Kline Family Loan Fund
Lillian & Irving Kline Memorial Loan Fund
Charles & Jeanette Korsch Memorial Loan Fund
Frances Kucharsky Loan Fund
Elliot & Megan Laskin and Family Loan Fund
Shmuel & Simma Lechtman Memorial Loan Fund
Morris( Moe) Lecovin Memorial Loan Fund
Jack Lemer Memorial Loan Fund
Harold Lenett Entrepreneurial Loan Fund
M.I. Lerman Memorial Loan Fund
Levitt Family Angel Loan Fund
Stan and Yvonne Levinkind Memorial Loan Fund
Earl & Jennie Lohn Memorial Loan Fund
Lutsky Families Loan Fund
Ann & Jack Markin Memorial Loan Fund
Andrew & Shawna Merkur Family Angel Loan Fund
Chaim Micner Memorial Loan Fund
Betty Mintzberg Loan Fund
Miriam Loan Fund
Andre & Julie Molnar Loan Fund
Morantz Family Loan Fund
Dr. Bernard & Ruth Moscovich Memorial Loan Fund
Saul & Mary Moscovich Memorial Loan Fund
Rochelle Moss Loan Fund
Milton Narod Memorial Loan Fund
Dr. Monty Neaman Memorial Loan Fund
Abe Nobleman Memorial Loan Fund
Cornelia Oberlander Memorial Angel Loan Fund
Harry S. Ostroff Memorial Loan Fund
Leon Penn Memorial Loan Fund
Porte Family Loan Fund
Leo Porte Memorial Loan Fund
Lillian Powell Memorial Loan Fund
Robert & Leslie Raphael Loan Fund
John Reed Memorial Loan Fund
Lucile Rome Memorial Loan Fund
Aron & Bertha Rome Loan Fund
Louis Rosengarten & Ivan Block Memorial Loan Fund
Annette Rothstein Loan Fund
Anne & Hy Sabblut Memorial Loan Fund
Mrs. Reema M.B. Samuel Loan Fund
Rabbi Meyer & Chava Schwartzman Memorial Loan Fund
Joseph Segal Loan Fund
Jerry J. Segall Memorial Loan Fund
Shalom Branch Royal Canadian Legion Loan Fund
Ari Shiff & Carla Van Messel Loan Fund
Elaine Shnier Memorial Loan Fund
Arnold & Anita Silber Family Foundation Loan Fund
Cherie & Buddy Smith Loan Fund
Dr. Irving & Phyliss Snider Loan Fund
Sonner Family Memorial Loan Fund
Anna Spilka Loan Fund
Arnold & Goldie Steele Memorial Loan Fund
Benjamin Stern Loan Fund
Chava & Moshe Chaim Stern Loan Fund
Dr. Seymour and Mrs. Shirley Stern Loan Fund
Maya & Vulf Sternin Memorial Loan Fund
Sam Tenenbaum & Dr. Kenneth Berry Memorial Loan Fund
Tikvah Freedman Special Memorial Loan Fund
Muriel Vallance Loan Fund
Margaret Wellington Education Loan Fund
Henriette & Leonard White Endowment Loan Fund
Naomi and Jack Wolfe Loan Fund
Abrasha Wosk Memorial Loan Fund
Ben Wosk Memorial Loan Fund
Herschel Wosk Memorial Loan Fund
Drs. Mordehai and Hana Wosk Family Loan Fund
Morris J. Wosk Loan Fund
Yosef Wosk Family Loan Fund
Philip & Corinne Yacht Family Angel Loan Fund
Marc Youngson Memorial Loan Fund
Dr. John and Beatrice Zack Loan Fund
Elizabeth & Peter Zacks Memorial Loan Fund
Zipursky Family Loan Fund
Harold Zlotnik Memorial Loan Fund
Dr. Samuel Zweigenhaft Memorial Loan Fund
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Tribute Card Recipient's Name:
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Tribute Card Recipients Address:
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Postal / Zip Code
Tribute Card Recipient's Email:
Tribute Card Message to Recipient:
Do you give us permission to recognize your gift on our website and other materials?
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Please list the way you would like to be recognized (we typically would list a married couple as "Joe and Jane Smith" however we are happy to recognize you however you please)
After pressing submit, you will be directed to paypal to complete payment of your donation. After you have submitted payment, please click the link to return to our webpage.
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