I (We) authorize Tax Maxx to file and process the federal/and or state income tax return. I (We) also authorize Tax Maxx to deduct all preparation fees and any other associated fees from the return for payment for services rendered. I (We), declare and affirm under penalty of perjury that all personal, itemized deduction and Schedule C statements are true, complete, and correct to the best of my (our) knowledge, information, and belief. I (We) understand that it is my (our) responsibility to provide proof to the IRS or any other governmental agency in the event of an audit. I (We) also acknowledge and understand the Tax Maxx payment policy. OUR PAYMENT POLICY: Fees are not always able to be deducted from your tax return. These issues are out of our control. If for some reason, your return is held due to student loans, child support, or any other debt or reason, your payment is still due for services rendered within 15 days. If payment isn’t received, our payment policy will stand as a legal document to represent us in small claims court. - Tax Maxx