Custom Stationery Survey
Smitten Boutique offers initial stationery consultations in-person at our West Loop Custom Studio or virtually via Zoom.
First Name
Last Name
Fiancé(e)'s Name
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Event Date
What kind of stationery are we helping you customize?
Wedding (Save the Dates, Invitations, Day-Of)
Pre-Wedding Events (Shower, Bachelorette, Rehearsal, etc.)
Bar or Bat Mitzvah
Party or Social Event
Corporate or Charitable Event
Baby Shower or Birth Announcement
Social Stationery
Primary Event Venue (e.g. reception, shower, party etc.)
(Venue Name, City, State)
Secondary Event Venue (e.g. ceremony, service, etc., if applicable)
(Venue Name, City, State)
Are you working with an event planner?
If yes, who are you working with?
Tell Us About Your Style
From flowers and cake to dresses and décor (and, of course, pretty paper goods!), if it's caught your eye, we want to see it. Once we've received your Custom Stationery Survey, we will set up a personal drop box for you to share even more of your favorite images or mood boards, and we'll curate a personalized selection of samples to kick off the creative conversation during your consultation.
What best describes your event style?
Classic, Traditional, Elegant
Sleek, Modern, Clean
Vintage, Retro, Art Deco
Rustic, Whimsical, Outdoorsy
Glamorous, Luxurious, Dramatic
I have a specific event theme
Not sure yet! I'll know it when I see it!
How formal is your event?
Informal - Khakis and dress shirt; sundress
Semi-Formal/Cocktail - Suit or sport coat; cocktail or party dress
Formal - Dark suit with a tie; cocktail dress
Black Tie - Tuxedo with a dark tie; dressy cocktail dress or long formal gown
White Tie - Tailcoat with vest and a white bow tie; long formal gown
Do you have a color palette you'd like to incorporate into your stationery?
Share your Pinterest boards with us!
Please paste the link to your Pinterest boards if you'd like to share!
Tell Us About Your Paper Needs
What paper pieces do you need? (Select all that apply)
Wedding Invitations
Save the Dates
RSVP Card or Set
Reception Insert
Details Insert
Accommodations Insert
Events / Itinerary Insert
Place Cards / Escort Cards
Party / Occasion Invitation
Bar / Bat Mitzvah Invitation
Birth Announcement / Baby Shower Invitation
Wedding Shower / Bachelorette / Rehearsal Dinner Invitation
Holiday Cards
Social Stationery
How many guests are you inviting?
How many stationery suites do you need?
Keep in mind, you will be sending one suite per household/address, not necessarily one suite per guest. If you don't have an exact count, that is OK! We recommend using 65% of your total headcount as your jumping off point and then rounding up to the nearest multiple of 25 so you have some extras for last-minute additions, bounce-backs, and keepsakes.
Are there any stationery print processes you know you love?
Foil Stamping
Full-color Digital
I need a print process boot camp!
Are there any fun features you've had your eye on?
Colored paper or envelopes
Vellum or specialty paper
Pocket folders or folios
Acrylic / Lucite
Belly bands
Wax seals
Painted, gilt, or beveled edges
Hand calligraphy
Custom Illustration
Die Cuts / Unique Shapes
So many options... I want to see them all!
Like your stationery suite itself, pricing will be tailored just for you based on the customizations you select. Basic wedding suites (invitation, reply set, and addressed envelopes) typically begin at $20 per suite. Individual card-and-envelope sets (like save the dates, holiday cards, and party invites) typically range between $8 and $15 per set. Quantities, print methods, number of insert cards, and all the fun "bells and whistles" will affect the overall cost of your suite. We pride ourselves on being able to work in a range of budgets and ask about yours so we can make suggestions that fall within your cost comfort zone. Following your initial consultation, you will receive itemized proposals for everything you select so you can see how each component of your customization contributes to the overall pricing. From there, we can add, omit, or scale your custom pricing so you are ready to say "yes!"
What is your stationery budget?
$35+ per suite
$25 to $35 per suite
$20 to $25 per suite
$8 to $15 per suite (applies to single card/envelope sets only)
I would like to look at stationery in a variety of price points.
Let's Get Together!
We're so excited to meet you and start talking paper!
Preferred location for your initial consultation:
In-person at Smitten Boutique's Custom Studio in the West Loop
Virtually via Zoom
What day(s) of the week work best for an initial consultation?
Wednesday (virtual only)
Do you have a preferred time for your initial consultation?
Late Morning/Lunchtime
Evening/After Work
How did you hear about Smitten Boutique?
I'm a Smitten Boutique shopper
I'm a West Loop neighbor
Planner referral
Friend or family referral
Modern Luxury Weddings
Modern Luxury Datebook
The Knot
Wedding Wire
Who may we thank for your referral?
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