In case of a medical emergency, I understand every effort will be made to contact parent/guardian of campers. In the event I cannot be reached I hereby give permission to the medical staff selected by the camp director to hospitalize, secure proper treatment, and to order injection, anesthesia, or surgery for my child. Parent/Guardian(s) are responsible for the insurance coverage while their child is attending camp. Any outside charges incurred relating to sickness or illness by your child will be billed to parent/guardian(s).
HIPPA Statement
I authorize Child Evangelism Fellowship to discuss my child's health information with camp volunteers and healthcare providers as necessary.
Designated medical staff will be present to administer medications and in case of emergencies. The camp has permission to administer Tylenol, Ibuprofen, over the counter topical medications, to my child as needed.
I consent to have my child participate in the activites of Child Evangelism Fellowship, Inc., Child Evangelism of SD, Inc., and Camp Good News and certify that I will hold CEF and Camp Good News, its directors, employees, or agents harmless from any of all liability and claims arising out of participation in or in connection with the program of Camp Good News.