2020 North Country Fair is postponed until 2021
Artisans’ Alley Application Form
The North Country Fair seeks vendors to sell items of interest to our patrons at the 42nd Annual North Country Fair taking place June 19-23 on our land in the Driftpile Valley. See Map
Deadline for applications is March 9, 2020
Terms and Conditions
Please include description and photos/website of your products. In your description, indicate if your product is made/designed by you (or, if a combined handmade and out sources booth, indicate percentage of products of each), whether it is ‘Fair Trade’ and/or whether it has sustainable aspects.
The Fair reserves the right to refuse permission to sell any items not deemed to be appropriate.
Vendor Spaces, Size & Rates:
• Size of each Vendor Space is approximately 10'x10'.
• Fee for Vendor Space is $200 per space and it includes 1 vendor pass. (If 2 sites=2 passes included, etc) Vendor space does not include tables, chairs, tents, electrical hook up, propane generators or fuel, etc. Bring your own. Note: Generators may not be running after 11 pm or before 8 am during Fair.
• Additional Vendor Site Passes $100 per pass to maximum of 4 adults working your space.
• Additional working adults in your party are required to purchase additional passes, but at the regular admission rates. (Please refer to website for this year’s ticket prices.) Please pre-arrange extra passes before May 29th. Note that admission is free for children 12 Yrs and under.
• Commissions: In addition to the Exhibitor Fees charged, The North Country Fair collects commission on sales, from your first sale until final commissions are collected Sunday afternoon (or Monday morning, if you stay open Sunday night). Commissions will be collected twice during the Fair. Commission fees must be paid to the Co-coordinators prior to leaving the Fair Site. Receipts for commissions will be provided at time of payment. The commission structure is 5% for persons selling items handcrafted by themselves and 10% for imported items. You should know what percentage of each you will be bringing and tell us on your application; thanks.
Setup Information
• Set up times are between Wednesday June 17th, 2020 starting no earlier than 12 pm to Thursday June 18, 2020 until 10 pm.
• Vendor location on The Site is pre-arranged. Please, contact Artisans Alley Co-Cordinators or representative on-site when you arrive. Do not set up before you do check in with them; you will also receive your wristbands at that time. Gaelyn is the On-Site Go-To Gal!
• Hours: Vendors should be open by 10 AM and stay open until at least 9PM during Fair, but you may be open longer than that if you wish. It is to your benefit to be open as much as you can. However, please be aware and respectful that we have a ban on use of generators during overnight hours.
• Electrical power is not supplied to Artisans’ Alley. You need to bring your own generator, etc. Please ensure it is quiet and as environmentally clean as possible to protect our site, air quality, and our patrons. Use of your own solar lights is encouraged, to reduce the amount of time that your own generator needs to be operating. Thank you for your cooperation.
Camping & Vehicles
• Camping is allowed at your vendor site, as per designated area. You may use one vehicle as part of your site. PLEASE NOTE: The Fire Lane and access to it runs behind and beside parts of Artisans’ Alley; it is imperative to keep it clear and open. Keep your vehicle in the area designated behind your vendor site, parked as orderly as possible, and be prepared to move it if not. Additional vehicles must be kept in day parking.
• Vehicles are not allowed for travel on the site except during set-up and takedown. Takedown hours begin after close of The Fair, approximately 7 PM Sunday.
•Be prepared for any and all weather conditions. Sun, rain, wind, hot or cold.
Fair Behavior and Other Info
•Pets are not allowed on the Fair Site, so please make arrangements to leave your furry feathery and/or scaly friend at home.
•The North Country Fair strives to present the finest in live music; therefore no canned music is allowed on site or in the camping area.
•Please refer to our website for Fair Behaviour and tips. We do have security patrolling our site, but they cannot be everywhere at once.
• Potable water is available on site at public spigots.
•Food vendors on site cater to a variety of tastes.
NOTE: There is an ATM on Site. If you like to accept CC payments we recommend you bring a booster.
Acceptance Deadlines
Applications must be submitted by March 9th 2020 to be considered. Acceptance will be confirmed via email by April 18th, 2020.
If you have not received an email confirmation of acceptance, by April 30th, you have not been accepted for this year’s Fair.
Please make cheques or Money Orders payable to North Country Fair. We do not accept any other forms of fees payment.
Additonal Info: Email ncf.artisansalley@gmail.com
Craft vendors are an integral part of our Fair atmosphere. As such, respect, joy, and honesty are important traits to bring along with your amazing talents and products! We look forward to working with you.
Cohorts in Coordination Artisans’ Alley ncf.artisansalley@gmail.com