We want, for me, the privilege of attending school in Kirbyville CISD.
We share Kirbyville CISD’s commitment to quality schools.
We have received and will carefully read and become familiar with the Kirbyville CISD’s Student Code of Conduct.
We agree that I will comply with the Kirbyville CISD’s Student Code of Conduct.
We understand that Kirbyville CISD continually evaluates current and prospective student transfers based upon available instructional space, staff, student conduct and student attendance.
We understand that if my conduct is not in compliance with Kirbyville CISD standards, I will not be readmitted.
We understand that if I am admitted, Kirbyville CISD shall not be responsible for my transportation to and from Kirbyville CISD.
We agree that I will make every effort to be an exemplary model student both academically and in my conduct and behavior.
We affirm that I have had no more that three (3) unexcused absences in the past 180 days of instruction and that I have had no more than one (1) discipline referral in the current or previous semester.
We understand that prior to the approval of my transfer, we shall furnish to Kirbyville CISD my birth certificate or another documents suitable as proof of my identity, my social security card, a copy of my parent’s drivers license, a copy of my records from the school I most recently attended, if previously enrolled in a school in this state or another state, and a record showing that I have all required immunizations.
We understand, that if approved and we transfer to Kirbyville CISD, and then subsequently withdraw, we will have to re-apply for transfer. We understand that in determining whether my student will be permitted to enroll in KCISD, the superintendent will consider the student's disciplinary record, attendance record, academic record, and class size and availability.
We understand that falsification of information is a Class A Misdemeanor and can lead to legal action. We understand that being approved for transfer in one school year creates no right or expectation that my student will be admitted as a transfer student in subsequent years. I further understand that admission of one student in a family creates no right or expectation that another student from the same family will be admitted as a transfer.
- We understand that being an employee of KCISD does not guarantee student transfer approval.