In order to participate in the ride-along program: (1) the “Liability Waiver” must be signed, recorded and forwarded to the office of the Fire Chief, and (2) you must read, understand, and sign this document indicating that you agree to abide by all terms and conditions set forth in it.
(1) Participants:
(a) Will be assigned to ride at the discretion and approval of the Shift Commander/Battalion Chief.
(b) May be assigned to ride with other SFD unit upon approval from the Fire Chief.
(c) Will study and comply with applicable policies contained within SFD and city personnel manuals.
(d) Will not interfere with SFD personnel in the performance of their duties.
(e) Will not handle any SFD equipment unless specifically authorized to do so by SFD personnel, and then only if such is within your capability.
(f) Must contact the Shift Commander at least one shift in advance of the anticipated ride date for approval confirmation unless approved by the Fire Chief or his/her designee.
(g) May ride between the hours of 1000 and 2000; exceptions require authorization.
(h) Will generally be limited to educational and clinical purposes only for those interested in the fire service as a career or a member of another fire department, military unit, fire brigade etc. trying to expand operational knowledge.
(2) For the safety and well-being of the participant, during an emergency incident, the Shift Commander or other Staff Officer will assign the rider to a safe area, i.e., staging, rehab or behind the Fire Lines until the emergency is under control or the participant is released to another civilian. For accountability purposes, participants must notify the Incident Commander if he/she leaves the scene or his/her assigned area.
(3) Participant will submit letter of interest detailing purpose and intent for request to participate, attached to Ride Along Application.
(4) Participants are subject to reference check, background check, and other experience and/or education checks to which character is confirmed.
(5) Any Officer will have the right to request termination of any participant from riding. Officers may suspend the ride-along activity at any time he or she deems necessary for safety, good order or in the best interest of the fire department. Such shall be forwarded to the Chief.
(6) Failure of any participant to comply with any of these guidelines will result in the suspension of their ride.
(7) The Ride-Along program is not intended for persons who are not affiliated with the community, another department or a career in the fire service.