You will need to obtain an NC Marriage License from ANY Register of Deeds Office in the State of North Carolina. We recommend calling the Register of Deeds in the County in which you live and they can explain the requirements to obtain a Marriage License. The Cost is $ 60.00. The license is valid for 60 days. Once the Marriage Ceremony has been performed and witnessed by Two Witnesses it must be returned to the Register of Deeds Office where it was obtained. We will mail the license in for you or you may return if it is urgent for you to obtain a Certified Copy.
Note: If you are coming out of state, you will be required to obtain an NC Marriage License. We are located in Lincoln County NC (Register of Deeds is located in Lincolnton, NC) We do have a link on this website to our Wedding Guide - You will find the Register of Deeds listings starting on Page 12,13,14.
Note: PLEASE bring all paperwork you obtain from the Register of Deeds. We have to complete multiple pages.
We look forward to serving your Wedding Service Needs.
Ron & Susan Ramsey, President/VP - The Wedding Chapel & Reception Hall Chapel of the Field Ministries, Inc